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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > December Pregnancy Thread

I know there are a few of us out there right now, so thought I'd start this up.

I'm maybe around 6 weeks now if all is well. No symptoms yet (except being tired, which could be related to other things) and I can't seem to shake the feeling that this one won't stick. But my symptoms haven't started until around 7 weeks with my last two pregnancies so I guess we'll see what happens. I'm waiting to get a call from my midwife with a first appointment date. I'm sort of dreading it because it all becomes real then and starts the cycle of anxiety/testing for me. For now, I'm mostly ignoring the one positive test, and taking it one step at a time, while also trying to remember all the dos/don'ts. Luckily we were far far away from family for the Thanksgiving holiday so didn't have to worry about telling them.

How's everyone else doing?
December 2, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSR
Thanks for starting the thread SR- I am 5 weeks today and feeling nauseous on and off and have been going to bed so early. My anxiety comes in waves. I've been pretty paranoid that I've already done something or eaten something that will somehow affect this pregnancy, especially since we are at the tail end of a reno and there has been dust, painting, etc going on around me. I have my first ultrasound and check up mid-month, and next month I start meeting with my specialist for the preventive cerclage and preterm birth management. I keep having to remind myself that right now I am pregnant, and that every day I stay pregnant is a day to celebrate. Occasionally it crosses my mind that we may actually bring a baby home with us, which feels so disconnected from pregnancy. Mostly I am trying to live in the moment until we see a heartbeat, because until then I just have to "trust the process", ugh. Thanksgiving was hard- pregnant cousins and children running around. I've had to fake drinking beer (bring to bathroom, dump in sink, fill with water, no one knows the difference) but it's a lot of pressure. We are not telling family or friends for the foreseeable future so it's a must.

SR, my last pregnancy I didn't really have symptoms until 7/8 weeks either - at least they weren't overly noticeable. I remember being really bloated last time and this time I am not. I think it's all normal. I hope this little one sticks for you!

December 2, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
I’m 8 weeks today! My doctors office has been amazing, we have already had 2 ultrasounds, seeing a heartbeat both times, todays ultrasound measured 150 and the baby was right on track. I found out that I’m pregnant the week my daughter turned (would have turned) 6 months old, which actually coincided with the anniversary of meeting my husband 9 years before. We are due in July, which was my grandmothers favorite month, and she passed away 2 months after my daughter, Cadence died. I’m trying to take these things as a sign that we have a lot of guardian angels looking out for us and this sweet baby. Wishing you all the very best. It’s nice to communicate with people who understand.

December 2, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterApril
April, oh my goodness, I love the connections you have made with special dates, and I'm so sorry you lost your grandmother in the wake of grief for you daughter. That is so tough. I do believe those are signs that you have guardian angels looking out for you and your baby. I found out I was pregnant exactly 10 months after my son Francis was born on the 22nd, and if this baby goes as far as the scheduled c-section I have to have, they will be born on my birthday (exactly 37 weeks). I will also be exactly 23 weeks, 6 days on Easter this coming year, which is the exact same gestation I gave birth to Francis (can you tell I've spent time looking at a calendar?). I too, am in that boat of thinking that all of these dates and stars are aligned for a reason. It just gives me some hope. I don't feel this positive and optimistic all of the time, it's really pretty much the opposite, but I love that these "coincidences" feel like a sign.
December 4, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
Thanks for starting this thread. Right now, I am just past 13 weeks pregnant. I have been suffering from pretty bad nausea and fatigue--which is very bad from a productivity perspective, but at least has given me some reassurance. I now fall in the advanced maternal age category, and because of this, I did a blood test to look for down's syndrome (and also find out the gender). The downside is that because I was doing a bloodtest, they did not do the 11-13 week ultrasound. So I am relieved that the blood test showed no problems, but am still feeling anxious about all the other things that could go wrong that we might not know about. I am also already starting to show--and I don't really want to have to talk to random people about this pregnancy. But I am trying to take things one day at a time and am grateful that I have made it through the firstt trimester. Sending everyone positive thoughts.
December 4, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSidney's mom
Well I hit 7 weeks and am now feeling awful, so I guess watch what you wish for. I know it's a good sign so I'm keeping that in mind, but it also makes it hard to ignore what's going on and focus on the other day to day things to distract myself. I have a doctor's appointment to get the bloodwork to confirm the pregnancy on Friday and a dating scan on Monday.

How is everyone else doing?
December 11, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSR
I always feel awful at 7 weeks! It’s the worst...I was 7 weeks on thanksgiving! Ugh! I’m feeling better now, eating is more normal too. I also have a growing belly...I’m at 9 weeks and this baby is definitely showing up sooner than Cadence. I feel extremely grateful though, it’s still full of worry, but once I start hitting the 2nd trimester milestone, I’ll begin to rest easy for the time being.
December 11, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterApril
Welcome Sidney's mom - Sending positive thoughts and comfort your way. I too am not looking forward to the encounters that happen when I start to show.
SR, I am happy you are feeling reassured by symptoms but am also sorry you feel awful. I hope you have a good scan on Monday!
April, Glad you are beginning to feel better - you are almost there!

As for me, I have been so, so sick and exhausted for the past week. I am nauseous all day, I fall asleep from exhaustion at 8:30 or 9 every night and wake up at 3 or 4am from nausea. I started keeping lemon water and saltines and ginger candy by the bed but it's barely helping. I get a little reprieve mid-day around lunch, so I make sure to get my calories in then. I AM relieved by experiencing symptoms, I know it's a good thing and I am so grateful for this little one, but sometimes I feel nothing but blah. I'm only 6 and a half weeks, so I've got a long, long road to go with this.

I've got my first scan next week on Tuesday and a meeting with my MFM on Monday, so I am looking forward to that. I am hoping so much for a healthy heartbeat and some reassurance that things are going okay.
December 12, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
Just an update from me: ultrasound yesterday and baby's measurement lined up exactly with my lmp. I think my husband and I both held our breath the first few seconds of the ultrasound, just searching the screen for the thumping of a heart. It WAS there and was healthy. This baby is already perfect.

Hoping you all are having a good week<3
December 18, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
I had a doctor appointment yesterday, and they couldn’t find the heartbeat on the Doppler. They took me into an ultrasound immediately and found it beating away. I’m 10 weeks now, but it’s nerve racking! I know as each day goes by, chances of losing it becomes less and less, but when you lose a full term baby no time feels safe anymore. I’m so appreciative of my doctors, they have been the most understanding people, and it’s nice to see baby again, too. I’ve seen this baby on ultrasound almost more than I ever saw it’s sister, Cadence. For that I’m truly grateful. <3
December 18, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterApril
So glad everything is going well and you both got to see your baby’s heartbeat this week. I too hold my breath until they say and there’s the heartbeat every time. In my last pregnancy I told the technicians they needed to tell me as soon as they saw it first thing and they were pretty understanding about it.

I also had my ultrasound this week and baby was there, heartbeat in normal range, but as suspected due to this being my first period back, my dates were a bit off and I’m actually only a bit over 7 weeks instead of almost 9 weeks. It both means more weeks of nervous waiting to see if we get past the first trimester and more morning sickness (I ended up throwing up in the parking lot of the ultrasound office on the way in). Im trying to just be grateful heartbeat and bloodwork look good and put aside the other issues. I’m perking up a bit the last few days too (I spent last weekend almost unable to get out of bed) and I’m feeling very grateful for that and trying not to feel nervous that it means something is wrong.

I forgot how pregnancy after a loss can be so exhausting - balancing all these emotions and also stay zen and in the moment. I finished my job today so I now will be trying to balance all that with chasing a toddler all day long and packing up for a move so at least I’ll have distractions.
December 19, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSR
I'm just so delighted to hear the happy news from all of you; warmest wishes for healthy pregnancies and moments of peace on this journey for all. Each ultrasound feels like such a milestone. My next one is 12/27. Feel like I'm holding my breath a bit until then.

What is everyone's due date? Mine is technically July 13 but because I had a classical c-section, I will deliver no later than June 22. I am hoping fiercely to make it to June.
December 19, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterEzra'sMama
April, oh my goodness, that must have been scary, but I'm happy you have doctors who act quickly and are able to meet you where you are!

SR, I'm happy you had a reassuring ultrasound and are feeling a little bit better. Exhausting, you are right.

Ezra's Mama, my due date should be August 3rd, but since I, too had a classical c-section, the latest I will be able to go is 37 weeks, which is July 13th (my birthday!). I'll count my blessings if I make it to July, though. My MFM said he'd be happy anytime after 32 weeks, which is somewhere in June. I'm just quietly celebrating each day as a tiny, tiny milestone for this babe.
December 19, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
I’m due July 12, but I’m having a c section at 39 weeks so around the 5th 😊❤️
December 19, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterApril
Just realised I never responded to this one! Based on the dating scan, I'm due August 5th, but I'll be induced no later than 39 weeks. Based on my last pregnancy, where my daughter's growth started falling off after 37 weeks, it's more likely to be around 37 weeks again. My nausea has thankfully eased some, but I'm still having strong food aversions and cravings and major exhaustion. I can't shake this nagging feeling that this pregnancy isn't going to make it past the first trimester mark, but am trying to just take it one day at a time, muster enough energy to adequately parent a toddler, and not get too far ahead of myself. I won't have another ultrasound until after the 22nd (when I'm 12 weeks) although my NIPT is scheduled for the 20th, and I hope they do an ultrasound before the test since it is really expensive.

Hope everyone had good holidays and is doing and feeling well. Anyone else have family closely watching their alcohol intake over the holidays? I'm hoping that we all are bringing home these babies in 2020 and good riddance to 2019 for those for whom it was the very worst year.
January 3, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterSR
My family knows that I’m pregnant, so they don’t watch what I drink. Thank goodness, I wouldn’t be able to hide it! I am also so glad to see 2019 go, 2020 feels like a fresh start. I hit 12 weeks on December 29 and announced on social media about my pregnancy. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to, but I want to celebrate this baby, I’m so excited for this baby. Even if it ends in heartbreak, I don’t want that to be the only thing people felt towards me and this pregnancy. Wishing everyone peace, and hoping we all had an ok holiday season.

January 3, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterApril
Hi all,
I am glad to read everyone's updates, and will continue to send positive thoughts. I am a week away from our anatomy scan (we are doing it at 19 weeks), and am nervous/trying not to think too much about it. I am definitely at a stage in pregnancy where people assume that everything will be fine, but as you all know, after a full-term loss, it is hard to ever feel entirely safe. But doing the anatomy scan feels like a big step, and I am finding moments to try to be hopeful. I think I might be able to feel the occasional kick from little girl, so that is exciting, I guess.
I am technically due June 8th, but I tell people end of May, since 1) I have never gone a full 40 weeks and 2) come 37/38 weeks, I imagine I will demand an induction.
Hope everyone is having a good start to the year.
January 7, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterSidney's mom
Hi Everyone,

Just had my first in-person visit with my mfm- no ultrasound this time but the Doppler showed a nice strong heartbeat. I was half expecting for the heartbeat to not be there, so it was a really relieving moment for me. I'm a little past the 10 week mark now and will be getting my cerclage in a few weeks, which I see at sort of the beginning of a hard period. We'll be doing appointments every one to two weeks until I'm 25 weeks- it's so nice to have a doctor and nurses who get my anxiety and are willing to see me frequently. I also have to get progesterone shots every week starting in a few weeks, which are said to be pretty painful. I'm nervous but also excited to get through the next few months. My morning sickness has worn off quite a bit and it's only been really bad in the afternoons, which I can tolerate.

Happy new year to all, and hoping this is a positive fresh start for all of us.
January 7, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterAllison