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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > November/December TTC

Thought I'd start a new thread since we are almost halfway through November. How's everyone doing?

I'm on vacation with my husband -this is the first time we've had some real time away together since our son died 10 months ago and it's been so, so lovely. Away for a while longer too.

This is our first real cycle TTC, last month my period was almost 6 days late for no apparent reason. I *think* I ovulated yesterday but we're basically trying through a 10 day window. Ugh. If everything is normal this month it means I'm in the tww- so I'm crossing my fingers and just going to soak up the rest of my vaca.

Sending love
November 13, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
Hi Allison,
I'm also going to be trying again this cycle. Expecting my period tomorrow but tested negative so waiting to start afresh this month. We must have lost our babies around the same time, my little girl died on the 16th of January.
Hope you enjoy your holiday and fingers crossed for this month! Xxx
November 14, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJess
Hi ladies,

My sweet Cadence passed away this May, and I just found out last week that I’m pregnant again, due in July. It’s definitely nerve wrecking, but we are filled with so just joy and hope right now.

November 14, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterApril
Hi everyone, I guess I'm in the TWW now, but this is my first cycle since getting my period back since having my second child in August 2018 (my first was born still in April 2017) We tried for a 7 day window around when my app said I would ovulate - we'd planned for longer, but my mom showed up for a visit from overseas right then and we were both just tired/worried about being quiet. I am going to test on Wednesday I think and I'm definitely nervous again. It's so weird when you really can't predict wth is going on with your cycle. With my second, we thought we'd missed the window due to various travel commitments and were really surprised to have ended up pregnant so this time when we think we hit the window, I'm sure we'll have missed it.

Good luck to you this month, @Allison, and to you next month @Jess. Gentle congratulations to you, April
November 15, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSR
Jess, yes we did lose our babies around the same time, my goodness. January 22 is when my son was born and he died on the 24th. He was born at 24 weeks by c section, so we had to wait until now for the okay from our doctor to try again. I hope this new cycle brings good luck for you.

April, congratulations- and Cadence is such a pretty name. I think hope is the key word here, and I'm trying to mine that for myself too.

SR, I relate to your feeling that since it was "easy" last time, of course it won't be easy/right/well timed/etc. this time. My husband and I barely gave it a thought when we tried to get pregnant last year with our son -first try was the charm. I lost an early pregnancy about 7 years ago. That first pregnancy was not intentional- I was on birth control when I got pregnant. Now I feel like this time it's going to take us forever, that it's literally impossible for it to work out, because our luck is already so bad. The irregular cycles must be frustrating. I don't use them, but maybe you could try OPKs? I have hope that your period means your body is re-regulating. Good luck with your tww.

I'm doing okay. I'm probably going to wait until next Friday to test, because I know I'll become obsessive. My husband and I tend to jump to conclusions and we're already trying to figure out how we will deal with telling people once (if) I am pregnant. Part of me wants to keep everything to ourselves to protect us. I feel like every time I see someone I haven't seen in a few months they look at my belly to see if I'm pregnant, or if there is wine or beer they wait to observe what I do. it's all just so much pressure and I want to give myself a break and mandate some space.

November 15, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
It is so nice seeing all of you ladies in the TTC journey. I feel happy for you that you have so much hope and am sure your miracle will soon arrive. We on the other hand we had 5 rounds of IVF and still no baby. A natural conception is possible even though quite difficult. When I asked my doctor last month what do we have to do in order to get pregnant naturally he said lots and lots and lots of sex. Well, I know that but stil no natural conception.

Our twin angels were conceived from our 4th IVF. On the 23rd of November it will be a year since they were born at 24+4 wks. In December we lost them both.

I am so praying for a natural pregnancy. We have been actively trying ever since we lost them tbh. Had a 5th IVF round in August which eneded in miscarriage. Praying and praying and praying for a natural pregnancy.

Thank you for listening. May you all have your BFPs very very soon xxx
Mary, I’m in the boat with you, struggling with infertility then conceived a miracle baby who was born still. I heard some supplements can be helpful in improving egg quality such as co q 10, arginine, omega 3. I also heard exercises that would increase blood flow to female reproductive organs can help a lot too, such as walking, pilates and yoga. I pray you get pregnant naturally and bring healthy babies home.
November 15, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterJojo’s mom
Jojo's mom, thank you so much for your support. I am so sorry for your loss... infertility is such a difficult road to walk on and when you experience loss on top of that it is utterly unbearable... I hope you are blessed with a healthy baby so very soon and all the loss mama's too xxx
Well, looks like I'm out for this cycle. Not a huge shock given our limited trying window and the fact that we have no idea what my cycle is doing - if it was in a "normal" rhythm, I would have had my period yesterday but I didn't so who knows when I ovulated. @Allison - I hadn't thought of OPKs but maybe I will if we're unsuccessful again next month. I'm like you - I had to force myself to wait until Tuesday to test in order to mandate some mental space.

With my second pregnancy, we didn't tell anyone until after 20 weeks and then still on a need to know basis. We moved at the very start of the pregnancy so escaped all the scrutiny and awkwardness we would have had if we'd been in the same city as where my son was born still. We still cocooned ourselves a little from all our friends and family in our new home (we'd lived there before too) and I made it clear I didn't want to talk about it. Keeping it private helped me because as much as everyone else loved us and wanted to help and celebrate, I wasn't emotionally ready to do that until I had a healthy baby in my arms and I also felt like I would have to absorb other people's concerns/anxiety for us. I guess it is the flip side of them helping to carry the joy for you - but I love the joy conceptualization - my brain just never got there. If I get pregnant again, we'll move back during the pregnancy and the scrutiny will be tough, though I don't think I'll be quite as edgy as I was the last time. I'll work on the conceptualization of people carrying joy for us.
November 20, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSR
Mary, I am holding hope for you for a successful conception and pregnancy as well. I am also thinking about you and Emmanouela and Michaela on their upcoming birthday. It's a hard, hard, season.

Jojo's Mom, welcome and I'm sorry to hear that your are struggling with infertility. I think your ideas around the extra supplements and things like yoga and pilates are so good. I am holding hope for you too to bring a healthy baby home in the near future.

SR - I'm sorry you're out this month and that your cycles are complicated. It may take a month or two for your cycle to re-regulate, and the fact that you did have a period last month means that it's on the right track. I hope that things continue to move in the right direction. I too feel like I will be playing the game of carrying other people's anxiety, joy, fear around a hopefully future pregnancy - I found myself in that position in the months following the loss of my son with some family members. There are still people in my family who I feel like I have to manage their emotions by controlling mine around them. Just Ugh. I am so hopeful for you in the next cycle!

For me, I am feeling pretty anxious. I'm not exactly sure when I ovulated (sometime between the 11th and the 16th, I think) so I'm not exactly sure when it's reasonable to test. I caved and took a test two days ago (negative), which is ridiculous, because at the latest I would be 8dpo and very unlikely to pick anything up, so here I am psyching myself out. I'm trying to hold off testing for a few days as I'm not even expecting my next period until early next week. I'm feeling hopeful still, though, as I'm not having my typical pre-af symptoms that I usually have the week before a period. Maybe it's all in my head?

I'm going to try and do some distracting things this weekend like cook some bigger meals, hike, yoga, and finish some painting projects around the house. My husband and I are at the tail-end of a full house renovation so we get to move in the sooner we get things done, and I'm going to try to focus on that.

I'll check back in soon and keep my fingers crossed for success for us all <3
November 21, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
Mary & Jojo's Mom - I'm so sorry you are dealing with both infertility and losses. It seems doubly unfair, maybe even more than that. I will be keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you both to conceive naturally and bring babies home.

Allison - I think all those activities to distract yourself sound lovely (including the house-related ones). If you are going to deal with all the emotions that come with PAL, probably easier to do it already settled in. Then again, it's also nice to have something to distract you. Good luck to you.

As for me, it turns out my timing was pretty off. When I didn't get my period this week, I took another test and it's positive. So for today, anyways, I'm pregnant. It's pretty early so I'm trying to just not think too much about it for now other than to do those things that my MFM recommended to increase my placenta function.

Sending you all good conception vibes! Hope to see you in a pregnancy thread soon.
November 24, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSR
SR, gentle congratulations!

I too had a positive test on Friday, so I guess I'm moving over to the next part of this journey. I have spent the last few days in equal states of denial, elation, and worry, but for now things look okay. I am so desperately hoping that I get to bring this baby home.
November 25, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterAllison
Gentle congratulations back to you, Allison. I hope you get to bring this baby home too.
November 26, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterSR