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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > Subchorionic haematoma

I am 11 weeks pregnant again after numerous losses. Things had been fairly normal until I started bleeding quite heavily yesterday. I was convinced I was having a miscarriage and rushed into the hospital for a scan. To our delight, the baby was fine but the consultant discovered a large haematoma in my uterus. She informed us that I may continue to bleed out, or my body may absorb the haematoma or I may miscarry. Naturally, because of all the bad luck I have had (full term stillbirth, miscarriage and medical termination - none of them connected), I am struggling with everything and finding it hard to stay positive. People around me keep saying "it will be fine" but I no longer trust my body, or ability to bring a living baby into this world.

My bleeding has stopped and I am at home resting, waiting to get an appointment with a high risk OB at my hospital. I have been invited to go on a trial to see whether progesterone can help reduce the risk of miscarriage from women with bleeding in early pregnancy. I am trying to relax but wanted to reach out here for support and also see if anyone else has experienced a haematoma with a positive outcome? I am a regular on Glow but posting anonymously as I haven't told many people I am pregnant.
April 26, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnxious
Anxious, how stressful, I'm sorry. Yes, I've had a positive outcome with an SCH. It's scary though. With my rainbow son, I had a couple episodes of bleeding from an SCH. It resolved on its own around 18 weeks. There's not much you can do, as you know, other than take care, get some rest if you can and that's it. Sending you a big hug, soothing vibes, and of course healthy ones to you and baby.
April 26, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAB
Just sending you a big hug and positive thoughts!
April 27, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterArav's Mom
I'm so sorry to hear that Anxious. I know women can go on to have totally healthy pregnancies after a SCH. It's so scary and unfair though after all you've been through. I am 12 weeks pregnant after multiple losses and secondary infertility and although I don't have a SCH, I had unexplained intermittent bleeding until 1.5 weeks ago. So I totally understand how frustrating and terrifying it is. I'll think positive thoughts for you since I would never tell you to have "positive thoughts." It drives me crazy when people who haven't gone through loss tell me to be positive or not to be stressed, when they have no idea how impossible that can be. What's working for me so far with the bleeding and uncertainty is just to think, as far as I know I'm pregnant today. Hopefully we'll both have living babies in our arms this fall (that is scary to write & acknowledge that hope).
April 27, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterg
I'm sorry you are dealing with a SCH. That is nerve wracking, I've lived it. Just try taking it easy if you can, and listen to your body. I had a friend who had a SCH and had a positive outcome. She took it super easy, and basically put herself on bed rest precautions with bathroom privileges. Not sure if that really helps or not, but it helped her at least emotionally get through it, and the physical stuff happened to resolve for her, and she has a perfect 3 year old now. My doctors never told me to take it slow, and my SCH progressed into worse things unfortunately. But there are those who go on and do awesome. Like my friend, and I think you also. (My mfm said like at least 60 %). I will be thinking about you and sending good positive thoughts. Just lay off sumo wrestling for now :-D
April 27, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnon
Thank you all so much for your replies and words of support.

AB, thank you for sharing your experience with me, it was so relieving to read that your SCH resolved itself and restored my sense of hope.

Arav's Mom, thank you for the virtual hug and positive thoughts. I'm a big believer in the power of positive energy.

G, sending you gentle congratulations on your pregnancy. I'm sorry to hear you had bleeding but you are right, it does help to focus on the fact that we are still pregnant. I'm also hoping that because I'm 11 weeks, there's a higher chance of things turning out OK. And I totally get your frustration with people telling you to be positive and relax, it really irks me too.

Anon, I'm so sorry your SCH progressed the way it did, but also glad to hear it worked out for your friend. The most frustrating thing is just not knowing. I guess after all our collective experiences, that's the way pregnancy is for us, being all too aware of the fragility of it.

I have another scan booked for next Thursday, where my OB will check the SCH and reassess everything. I had some light spotting last night but other than that, have just been resting and trying to stay calm. It's hard but all I can do is wait.

Thanks again for the kind words. This place is full of such special, compassionate people.
April 28, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnxious
I had a SCH and it resolved on its own with no problems other than all the anxiety it helped give me.
May 5, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterEdelweiss
Thanks Edelweiss. It's so reassuring to hear when an SCH resolves itself but I agree about the anxiety!

I a scan yesterday which thankfully went well. I'm 12 weeks so my doc measured baby and everything was normal. The clot is still there but has reduced in half (3cm) and my doc thinks it will continue to shrink over coming weeks. Need to continue to take it easy until my next scan but am so relieved with the news. I'm so used to bad news that part of me just couldn't accept it might be OK.

Thanks again to everyone.
May 6, 2016 | Unregistered CommenterAnxious
So glad to hear that Anxious. I was wondering about you this week. I hope it continues to shrink. I totally get the part of you that can't really believe things could be ok. Every time it takes a little longer to find a heartbeat, pause by the US tech or any other little thing, my husband and I both think, ok this is where it turns bad. After so much loss, it is really hard to imagine things actually turning out ok.
May 7, 2016 | Unregistered Commenterg