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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > Anyone try for twins after loss?

Maybe a strange question, but I am not sure I can have more than one future pregnancy and would like more children. Did anyone purposefully try for twins after a loss? Using natural supplements or such? Just curious if so and if you had any success.
March 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous
I am not purposefully trying for twins.. I have never researched natural supplements, etc.. However, I have had dreams that I will have twins one day. I even saw what looked like a twin ultrasound in a cloud formation :) My maternal grandmother had twins, and I have heard that they usually skip a generation. Sometimes I wonder if they are in God's plans, and that will be the reasoning for the 5yr+ age difference with my sunshine. It's just a strong intuition. Who knows!
March 22, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer
I can't say I exactly tried for twins, but I have needed Clomid for each of my 3 pregnancies and knew the likelihood is slightly higher. I never wanted twins before our son died, but I had this very emotional desire to have as many babies as possible (we're talking like 10 kids or something outrageous) after loosing him. Sometimes I still feel that way even though it's not something we could afford, something my body would handle, something we could manage IRL, etc. However, getting pregnant after he died I was secretly hoping it would be twins. I was scared for the physical side of it, but I really wanted to have multiple living babies after going through 2 pregnancies. Although I had two mature follicles and ovulated with 2 eggs, we ended up pregnant with just one baby for our rainbow and of course were thrilled (along with many other feelings).

I was not willing to TRY for multiples more than just doing what we needed to do to get pregnant, though there are ways we could have increased our chances probably. I'm not sure if our RE would have been into that even if we had been though since multiples has a lot of added risks involved and I only had ~4months in between delivering our son full term and getting pregnant again. I have never heard of supplements or anything else that has been proven to help, but I never researched it. Just know you are not alone with your desires.
March 23, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterJessica
We have twins that are the result of IVF. I wouldn't say that we tried for twins, per se, but we did go into it knowing that twins were a possibility (frankly, by the time we moved to IVF, we didn't think we'd ever get pregnant again). I don't know what your circumstance is and why you think you will only have one more pregnancy, but I encourage you to keep in mind that twin pregnancies are very high risk. If your previous loss was from abruption, pre-term labor or growth issues, etc. this could affect any new pregnancy and would be heightened risks in a twin pregnancy. My wife's pregnancy with our twins was terrifying from day 1 until the first day of week 38 when they were born (scheduled C section - breech). I don't mean to sound like a naysayer at all. I just know that it was a very very difficult experience for us and its worth considering how it would affect you and your partner. A single pregnancy would have been hard as well, but there is so much more than can go wrong with twins that it made everything harder. We were 18 months out from our loss when we got pregnant with the boys.

All that said - having twins has been the hardest and most rewarding roller coaster of my entire life. Its been harder than anyone could have ever prepared me for (sleepless nights, managing the needs of two, etc.) but also more amazing. I wouldn't change a thing. Our boys are wonderful and I'm so so grateful we have them.

Wherever you end up, I wish you the very best. Fertility and pregnancy after loss are so so hard. I wish you easy fertility and a smooth subsequent pregnancy!
March 23, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie
We are not yet trying again after our loss, but I think about having twins all the time. They too run in my family and it is a possibility it could happen. I also feel like I want tons and tons of kids, like 10, even though I know my husband would not go for that! So the thought of twins is always a hope of mine. I had no problems with my pregnancy and I would like to be hopeful that with twins nothing would happen either, but I know they are higher risk. regardless I will be a mess when it happens no matter if it is one, two, ten, whatever. I wish you very good luck and uneventful pregnancy when it happens.
March 24, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSusie
I lost twins december 2014. Dey were my first. Its so incredibly hard. I wld love to try again and im hoping for twins again. Im however super scared of another loss
April 23, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterdzuli