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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > HSG and Femara questions

I finally went to see an RE and I am kicking myself I didn't do this 2 years ago. I thought it would be tens of thousands of dollars right off the bat and so far the grand total is a $20 office visit. Turns out my insurance covers the consult because the doc is an OB/gyn. The doc purposely doesn't use infertility diagnosis codes so that the insurance can't deny it. Testing is covered for me. Treatment isn't but so far we are just doing a cycle of Femara with a progesterone check after ovulation.

Which leads me to the questions - I saw on another thread that many of you have had an HSG. I'd like to know what it was like for those of you that had blocked tubes. I've read it is really painful if a tube is blocked because they try to push the dye through. My doc prescribed valium and lortab. It freaks me out that they want me that medicated. I will be calmer if I know what to expect. Although I am very, very worried they will discover both tubes blocked. I'm not sure I can deal with that.

As for the Femara - has anyone else been on this? The headache it caused is HORRIBLE. I have one more dose so I can handle another day of this, but if it is going to last longer I don't know what I will do. I had to come home, I can't work like this.

For those of you also on the infertility roller coaster - I'm sorry and I hope you get your positives soon!
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjen
Hi Jen,

I had a blocked tube, due to a dermoid cyst on my left ovary when I had my HSG done (I've since had the cyst and ovary removed). I can honestly say it didn`t hurt that much. I think I took some advil in advance and don`t recall having any pain afterwards. It was a little uncomfortable during the process, but nothing unbearable. A valium might help relax you though...actually, when I think more about it, I think I borrowed a lorazepam from my mom before going.

Good luck with everything - glad to hear the Drs visits are affordable.
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMonique
I had an HSG for a baseline for IVF and it took 5 miniutes. It was uncomfortable but I didn't take anything for it because I am allergic to Advil. It was so quick and when they say "a little pinch" it is a medium to large pinch but it is over so fast. I did not have blocked tubes though so it might be different. Good luck with all this infertility crap. itsucks.
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKara
Unfortunately, the HSG is a crapshoot. I'd been told that the SHG (which I had) was awful, but it was only uncomfortable. I've heard seriously bad pain to no big deal. I think blockages really do make the biggest difference. I'm hoping very much that it is a relatively painless thing for you.

As for Femara - I've never taken it, but I know it's similar to Clomid and tons of women I know had terrible headaches on Clomid. They took aspirin and coped, and it became much better after the series for that cycle ended (if that makes sense).

Gah! I'm glad you've got some progress and hope the HSG and Femara-head ease up on you.
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commentereliza
It is true it hurts more if one if the tubes are blocked. I had one tube blocked and it hurt when they pushed the dye to try to unblock it, but I told them it was hurting and they stopped. I didn't take anything (neither painkillers nor valium) before hand and thought the pain was quite bearable and worth the sacrifice. It was definitely uncomfortable though. I hope it doesn't hurt much for you. Good luck!
May 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFrancisca
Hi - I had an HSG done in December- I took two advil an hour before the test. I didn't feel any pain at all....I found out I have a completely blocked left tube that was later removed. BTW it's really cool to watch the screen while everything is happening. I did get pregnant the same cycle which I hear is quite common. Unfortunately it was ectopic. Two rounds of MTX, six months, and a surgery later... time to try again.......1 months, 3 months, 6 months, We should have gone straight to IVF.. It's nickel and dime h@#!! Time, money, and stress on your relationship!!!!
June 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNichole