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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > Pregnancy Week of May 2nd

How's everyone doing?

Not much excitement over here. 6 weeks. Sicker than in either of my previous pregnancies, but still totally manageable (for reference, I had zero nausea in my first pregnancy, and only a little in my second). My first appointment and scan is next Monday, so I'm just hoping everything keeps going smoothly and that the next week passes quickly.

Good luck to everyone who's getting close to delivery! I've been thinking of you guys a ton.
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterM
Fingers crossed that the appointment goes well next Monday M. And sending sticky vibes.

I'm 33 weeks as of yesterday. I'm back on a low dose antidepressant and not doing too badly now, i'm walking the line between worry and panic but have managed not to fall over in about 10 days which seems like a LOT of progress. Baby is moving more regularly, although still doesn't seem to follow any pattern, which can be nerve wracking at times. But I realised the other day that now, part of me will miss being pregnant - and THAT is a MASSIVE change. Mostly I've hated the huge amounts of anxiety it has brought me.

had an active birth class tonight with partners. My husband engaged with it loads more than I expected and I think he will be a really good birth partner for me. Such a relief. All my antenatal classes are coming soon now... part looking forward to them and part scared. But so far all my experiences have been good so fingers crossed it remains that way.

Oh, I think Catherine W is due to be induced very soon... I guess she won't be able to update very soon but if I hear anything I'll let you all know.
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterb
M - I'm thrilled you feel like crap. ;-) Hopefully it can only mean good things.
B - yay for a good class experience and that your partner is feeling more into the class. Also good for you for taking the low-dose anti-depressants. Help where help is needed.

AFM - 36w2d - tomorrow if the imaginary line between birthing at home and at the hospital. He's still impossibly breech, but moves out of my pelvis all the time. Stinker. Whatever, I don't care that he's breech, he'll rump instead of crown and I'm ok with it. He is who he is, and he will be born. (the advantage to Foster's huge size is that no one can accuse me of having an inadequate pelvis. 11lb dead babies apparently don't flex their heads so I actually birthed the largest part of his nugget and still only walked away with a small tear. I feel confident that my body can birth a breech vaginally no problem.)

This is my last week of work, and I'm so glad. I'm physically, mentally and emotionally spent. I've checked out and no one cares which is awesome. K and I oscillate between deep fear and excitement for little K to arrive. I just need to be done being pregnant. I have been huge forever (not true) and am just tired of not having my body to myself. Regardless of the outcome this time, I'm not sure if / when we'll have another baby. I am tired.

Starting next week, gentle induction methods. I can't wait.

Sending love
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah H
M, sorry you are so sick. Hopefully the nausea will let up a bit soon.

B and Sarah, wow you guys are getting so close. That is really great. I hope the next few weeks pass easily and uneventfully.

AFM, 25 weeks tomorrow. At this point in my pregnancy with G I was already in the hospital for a week, completely sick from all the cardiac medication. We've been listening to this baby's heartbeat nearly everyday now. Hearing a 150 bpm heart rate is wonderful and every time we hear it we sigh with relief that it isn't 250 bpm like with G. But even with the doppler I find that I am terrified completely and probably will be until we pass 29 weeks. Hell, I'll probably be terrified from here on out.
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbrianna
M - not that we enjoy sickness, but hope it is a good sign. good luck with that first scan, I know it cannot come fast enough.
b - glad you enjoyed your class, I hope to complete mine next weekend. I don't know how any of us get through subsequent pregnancies without drugs. I probably could have used them before now.
Sarah H - breech would scare me, especially when my docs say "c-section" every time he's sitting on my cervix. glad you're ok with it. good luck with the induction.
Brianna - my hubs would have liked a doppler, but it would have driven me crazy. we all have milestones to reach, but you're right they will only bring so much relief.

AFM - 30 weeks tomorrow and I'm back home. I was in the hospital for 3 weeks for fear of preterm labor. But I appear to be holding steady at 2cm. I can only hope to stay this way for several more weeks. Bed rest at home unless something changes. Probably weekly checkups. We have an u/s next week, hopefully to check this boy's growth. That should be interesting. My mom is convinced that the stress of getting past my 26th week caused my body to go crazy. I wouldn't be surprised. Still worried something will happen early. But as long as he's rolling around, I don't feel too bad.

Best wishes to everyone here.
May 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSusan
Sending love and hopeful, healthy thoughts to all of you. The 20-week and 30-week periods seem so very very very far off to me still.

I am currently 15 1/2 weeks and trodding along the best I can. I feel like this is the very longest marathon ever run. Some days just getting a foot on the ground is all I can muster, other days I feel the wind at my back and am crusing along (as well as can be, all things considered.) But right now most days are like trudging through half-wet concrete with a lead running suit on.

My subchorionic hematoma that sent me to the ER with tons of bleeding at 13 weeks is still there, but it isn't growing and I've had no more episodes of bleeding since that one night. The baby looks good and healthy every time we see him on ultrasound (I've been in weekly since the visit to the ER, mostly for my own reassurance, they tell me, normally they'd only see someone every four weeks or so to check on the SCH unless there was a reoccurrence of bleeding), and I've seen both the perinatologists at my hospital who reassure me that things look very good, that they are very optimistic and very hopeful. I wish I could hold the same amounts of hope and optimism. Baby steps, my therapist keeps telling me. My husband and I have begun discussing names for this little boy, so I guess somewhere in there is an implication of something that might resemble hope..
May 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersarah n.
M, sounds weird to say, but I am glad you feel so sick! That's a great sign.

Susan, I've been thinking of you. Happy that you are at home. You are in a great place now that you are 30 weeks. I was wondering that too-- whether the stress of hitting the same gestational milestone created some mind-body reaction. (I've been going through the same thing myself so I've given it a lot of thought).

Sarah N., I know that the sheer fact that the SCH exists is scaring, but the fact that you've had no more bleeding is a great thing. I suspect that you'll happily see that it has resolved on when you have an ultrasound in the not so distant future. Hang in there.

To the rest of you... it sounds like everyone is moving along nicely. One step closer to home!!

AFM, 22 weeks tomorrow and I can't seem to catch a break. I've been in and out of L&D several times with episodes of reddish/pinkish/brownish discharge of varying hues and amounts... and there is no good explanation for it. I've had 3 detailed ultrasounds in the past month that, thankfully, have not revealed anything sinister. Last weekend, I started to have pains in my pelvis. Assumed it was just stretching. I called my doctor for the umpteenth time. They hooked me up to a monitor and I was having some mild contractions. The doctor said that it doesn't qualify as preterm labor (yet) but sent me home with orders to drink like a crazy person and stay off my feet. I go back on Thursday to monitor again. Fortunately, my cervix is still long and closed. However, of course, I woke up this morning with more pink discharge. The damn speculum exam yesterday to check the status of my discharge is no doubt the culprit... a never-ending cycle that I seem to be in.

I am so scared that this baby won't make it either. I am trying so damn hard to be positive, but things have been so unstable. It doesn't help that this Sunday is Mother's Day. Juliet was supposed to be born last Mother's Day. We were supposed to be having a first birthday party this year. I feel like I failed her... and am terrified that I will fail this baby, too.

In all of this, just trying to hang on to hope. If you are prone to thoughts and prayers, please throw up one or the other on my behalf. I need all the help I can get.
May 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteph
Hello all you courageous ladies, weathering nausea, bleeding, hospital stays...and now Mother's Day this weekend. What will you all do, especially those of you without any kids at home?

I am reminded again that Brianna and I are exactly the same: 25 weeks tomorrow. I have my monthly doctor's appt in the morning. I think I'll be taking the glucose test soon. I feel like an old weathered pregnant woman who has been through this all before and been pregnant for a million years. Except to not have gotten any of the good parts. Even diapering looks good to me. I finally pulled up our baby registry to see what we still needed and wished to be sick of diapers instead of looking longingly at them.

No other news, which is good. I have outgrown pants I wore past 7 months last time. He sits low and sticks straight out. Yikes.
May 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLola
Hi everyone! 18 weeks here and plodding along. Made my first ER visit (ever) this week due to some bleeding but they discovered I have a yeast infection (tmi) so they think that's what it was. Cervix was still closed, baby moving around, no signs of bleeding anywhere in the uterus. I was amazingly calm actually. Very unlike me.

We have a girl in there. I am thrilled. Not that I cared but now I will have one of each living, and my second boy will always be my second boy. Two boys and a girl, just like we wanted. Except not quite this way. At all.

I have another ultrasound in two weeks, and then I will be considered no longer high risk. Everything looked good last time, with the exception of a few echogenic foci on her heart, but my perinatologist thinks those are just because of the age of the baby and they should disappear. I guess the big thing with echogenic foci is that they can indicate chromosomal problems, but all my testing has come back normal and he thinks she looks perfect in every other way, so here's hoping.

I am amazingly jealous of those of you who are getting close to delivery. Sarah N, this does feel like the longest marathon ever. I worked it out, and I have been pregnant for 15 of the last 24 months. I am tired.

Love to all of you. Sorry I am not around more. I can only take so much, and am still somewhat surviving by pretending this doesn't exist. It's getting harder, now that I feel her moving around some (I have an anterior placenta so not too much yet, but I have a doppler for whenever I get scared) and now that I am needing to move into maternity clothes (but am in denial about it, you should see the pants I have on today....I will probably split them). I think of you guys constantly and wish I could be here more for you. Please know you are always in my prayers and I am hoping and hoping for all of us every minute of every day.
May 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKeely
So, I have been lurking here for months, I admit. I find such hope and comfort in knowing that you are all here, riding this train with me that I thought, well maybe one more voice would be comforting to someone else. So I'm chiming in.

We lost our Amelia at 34+ weeks last July 2nd, and she was born on July 3rd, due to a true knot in her umbilical cord. After a few months of trying again to get pregnant, I went on clomid and got pregnant again in November (I needed Clomid to get pregnant with Amelia too). I will be 30 weeks on Saturday (Susan, I have been especially cheering you on since we almost exactly on the same schedule). I have been dealing with so many of the same things all of you have:
- This baby is a boy, and wrapping my brain around baby boy vs. baby girl has taken some getting used to
- Avoiding telling people as long as possible, there are still people like at our dog park, that I'm just not saying anything to them about being pregnant
- Trying to balance hope with my experience of having only one try being pregnant which does not end with bringing a baby home

My latest concern is trying to find the line between preparing and not. Now that I'm only about 2 months out (or less), I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing, what feels right. Do I change the decor in the nursery? Buy the things I don't have after our shower for Amelia (changing pad, boy clothes!, car seat adapter for the stroller...)? Do we want to use the same pediatrician we had decided on for Amelia? What am I going to do about child care? I want to worry and think about all of these things, and then I mentally slam myself down -- I shouldn't be counting my chickens before they hatch!

My OB actually had a discussion with me about postpartum birth control options today, which just felt totally surreal.

I know you all are going through this and thinking these things too. I'm here cheering you on, and am so glad you're all hanging in there this week. Keep it up, you are an inspiration to all of us quiet ones! Thanks!
May 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterE
Sending so much love and positive energy to all the special mamma's out there.

I'm at work right now, and just wanted to drop in and say hi - so can't respond to everyone as I usually do. But know that I'm thinking of you all!

I'm 33 weeks tomorrow, and I'm feeling good. Big (he's measuring 2 weeks bigger than his dates!) and tired, but mostly good. I'm feeling well supported by the team at the hospital - and have finally booked in my induction date...15 June! Counting down now...

We had the first birthday/anniversary of our little girl last weekend (30 April) - hubby and I went away for the weekend to a beautiful beach house down the coast. A perfect setting for us to remember and honour our first child. It was sad and difficult, but it was wonderful to be away. It was just so special to be able to just sit and look out over the ocean, talk about her, cry (and even laugh!), without anything else to do. I miss her so much. It's a deep deep sorrow that is now part of my fabric.

Sending love to all - and know that I'm reading regularly and following everyones progress.

May 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCath
Hey all - I got a message from Catherine W and she's said I can share it - she went in for induction on Tuesday night (38+2 I think) and Reuben George arrived safely on Wednesday night. He was a bit jaundiced after birth so they're still in hospital so she can't get on the internet yet but she hopes that they'll be home soon.

So glad to hear that Reuben is here safely.
May 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterb
Oh Catherine!!!! I am so happy to hear this news, thanks for posting B!!!!!
May 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKeely
Thanks for the undate b. So happy to hear Catherine's baby is here safely.

I am 12 days from c section day and 13 days to the 2year anniversary of our daughters birth and Ella's death 20 hours later. Our survivor Quinn is doing very well. So I have many mixed feelings about this delivery especially being so close to the anniversary.

I hope everyone is still doing well.
I read often but rarely have the courage or any insight to offer these days.
May 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie
Hooray, Catherine! Welcome little Reuben, I'm so glad he's here and safe.

Good luck, Natalie! You're so close.

Welcome, E. I'm so sorry about the loss of Amelia. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and I'm sure you'll figure out the right way to prepare for your baby boy as his arrival gets closer.

Keely, congrats on your girl! Here's to the continuance of calm.

Things here are trucking along and time has indeed been passing fast, as I'd hoped. 7 weeks tomorrow! Which might not sound like much, but I found at 3w1d, so I'm nearly a full month in, and it hasn't dragged on. First appointment is on Monday morning. Eeeep!
May 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterM
Fantastic news about Catherine W and her newborn, hurray!
May 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersarah n.
Hooray for 7 weeks M!!! Still feeling sick? GL at your appointment Monday!!!
May 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKeely
So happy for Catherine & Reuben!

Natalie - sending you some calming vibes.

Keely - congrats on the girl and being so very close to the 'low risk' category.

E - I'm sorry for the loss of your daughter, but glad that you've updated the thread. I get the surreal feeling of the postpartum birth control conversation. I had a moment about 3 weeks ago where I realized that I was the only one who thought that this baby would die too. Everyone else expects him to live. So odd, but so normal too.

To everyone else - sending love.

AFM - 37w1d. Officially term, and he's still breech. I'm still ok with it, but we're transferring care to a specific midwife in Ottawa and consulting with vaginal breech friendly OBs next week which has ramped up my anxiety over the last week. It also rules out any possibility of induction because of the risk of prolapsed cord if he's not firmly engaged in the pelvis. We had an US last Tuesday - he's estimated to measure 7lb11oz, so he's big but consistently so. There's also an indication of nuchal cord which eliminates the possibility of an ECV, so we're just trying to trust that he's fine. Little K is a mover though - he's been regularly bopping me around, like he's trying to tell me to chill out because everything is ok in there.

Anyway - we're scared. We lost Foster at 39w - and as we edge towards that date, I don't know how to feel. Should we do more testing? Less? Schedule a c-section? Trust that Little K will be born when he's ready? I have lots of questions for the OB this week.

Hope everyone is doing ok. Sending love,
Sarah H
May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah H
Oh, Sarah H, such hard decisions. I am thinking all the best thoughts for you and your little K.

Also thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to hear about the safe arrival of Catherine's Reuben! Such wonderful news.

As for me: our sweet Beatrix was born Thursday night, May 5, and she is healthy, beautiful, perfect. We are in love. Thank you all so very much for the hand-holding through this emotionally impossible pregnancy.
May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBeth
Fantastic news, Beth, so happy to hear it. Welcome to the world, Beatrix - you are so loved.
May 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersarah n.
Beth and Catherine W - Congratulations on the safe arrivals. Such sweet news to hear.

Sarah H - Sending love as you try and make decisions. I did not want to make decisions at all in my sub pregnancy. Max was breech and we had a c-section at 37+1 (bought forwards from 39 weeks due to my extreme anxiety). That was right for us but may not be for you. I'm looking forwards to reading about little K's safe arrival.

Natalie - Counting down the days with you. You're so very close now.

E - We didn't really get anything ready until 32+ weeks. We didn't change the nursery (it was half done) - my thought was that if Matilda had lived we most likely wouldn't have changed it between babies either. But if you can't face getting ready don't worry - tiny babies need so very little that I'm sure your husband or family can sort it once your little one is here and before you go home. I didn't tell lots of people about our pregnancy and when I sent the arrival announcement got some 'I didn't know you were pregnant replies'.

Sarah N and Keely - I was exhausted for my entire sub pregnancy despite only working 2 days a week and doing very little else. In the end I was pregnant for 17 months out of 19 and it did feel like a marathon. I just tried to focus on getting through each week and then each month and not to think about the bigger timeframe. Hang in there.

Steph - Hoping things have calmed down for you now.

Hugs and love to everyone I've missed. I read and think of you all.

Maddie x
May 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaddie
Sending love and congratulations to the new mums. Hoping all is peaceful :)
May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMerry
So happy about the new babies. :)

I had my first appointment today, and everything went well. Baby #3 looks good. Beautiful little flickering heartbeat of 161. Measuring 7w5d and we've decided to call 12/21 my due date (though assuming we'll probably induce a bit earlier for mental health). There will be a lot of monitoring as we get near the end, but for now we're just taking it day by day. And so far I continue to feel really calm and hopeful. I did get hit with some pretty powerful grief on the drive over - some anxiety over whether or not this baby was going to be okay but mostly just sadness thinking about Pearl and the last time I held her. By the time I got to the appointment I was okay, and it was a very good appointment. Such sweet relief! I'm already scheduled for my NT scan (6/6), and my next two doctor's appointments.
May 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterM
Wonderful news on all the new babies! Welcome -- Susan's Jonah, Catherine's Ruben, and Beth's Beatrix!!!

So glad to hear everyone is doing well!
May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterE
Oops that's Susan's Cameron and Sophia's Jonah -- see so much good baby news, it's hard to keep track!
May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterE
Welcome to all the new arrivals and congratulations on a job well done by their moms.
May 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCara
Wow! So many babies. Congratulations to Susan on the birth of Cameron, Sophia on the birth of Jonah and to Beth on the birth of Beatrix. Hope I haven't missed anyone out, it's been a busy couple of weeks for this thread!

M: Great news, a lovely little flickering heartbeat. I hope the sickness stays manageable.

b: Thank you for updating everyone with my news. Hope that the ADs and the classes help. I think that the active birth class sounds great, I wish that my hubs and I had been to one!

Sarah H: I hope everything is going well, that the OB was able to answer some of your questions and is open to talking through all the options. You certainly don't have an inadequate pelvis, I am in awe, I hope they take that into account when deciding how to go ahead with K's birth. I know these last few weeks, as you approach the gestation at which you lost Foster must be very tough.

brianna: Thinking of you as you pass through this difficult time in your pregnancy. I'm glad that the doppler is providing you with some reassurance but I know it will be far from enough. It's very scary and I only wish I had the words to make it less so.

Sarah N.: Glad the SCH seems to be under control and that your little one is looking healthy. I think it is lovely that you are talking names.

Steph: You are in my thoughts. I truly hope that the bleeding and cramps all amount to nothing, it could well be the speculum exam that is responsible. It's a vicious circle isn't it? And it's great news that your cervix is behaving itself. Hanging on to hope for you and with you.

Lola: My bump stuck straight out this time too. I sincerely hope that you will be thoroughly fed up of diapers in the very near future.

Keely: A girl! I am absolutely thrilled for you and so glad that the bleeding was nothing to worry about. 15 for 24, no wonder you are tired. I have had an anterior placenta(s) in both my pregnancies and they are enough to drive you mad at times. Hope that the doppler can provide you with some reassurance.

E: I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter, Amelia. The line between preparing and not preparing is such a difficult one to negotiate. Just try and do what feels right and comfortable for you. I did very little preparation for Reuben's arrival and some people didn't even know I was pregnant until after he was born but that felt right for me. I do wish I had got in a little more baby stuff before hand though.

Natalie: Thinking of you so much during these last few days of your pregnancy. I'm sorry that you are having to deal with delivery so close to Ella and Quinn's birthday. That must be very hard.

afm: As you know, Reuben George arrived on the 4th of May after I was induced at 38+3. His birth was very straight forward, just a few scary moments towards the end when we were both starting to tire and the medics thought they might have to help us. I can't describe how wonderful it felt to hold him immediately after birth. I still have to pinch myself to believe that I actually had a pregnancy that went to term and a healthy baby. It all feels like a dream. I only wish I could have done the same for my twins. Seems to throw their struggles into relief somehow, now I know so clearly how it could have been for them. But I am thrilled with my dear little boy.

Will be popping in to see how you are all getting on and hoping to hear of many more safe arrivals shortly.
May 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine W