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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > What would you do (amnio before c-section)?

My due date is 3/30/11 (although I think it's actually 3/26/11 based on LMP & conception). Because I have already had 2 c-sections, the plan is to have a c-section. I'm currently scheduled for c-section at 36wks, 6 days (3/8/11). I am scheduled for an amnio to check lung development the day before that (3/7/11). All of the sudden I'm starting to get paranoid. I'm terrified of getting a result showing his lungs are not developed, and being put off for a second amnio a week later. Because Addison had the cord injury at 38.5 weeks, I KNOW I cannot be pregnant at 38 weeks. Psychologically, I just can't. mom called me today because she's a Certified Nurse Midwife (across the country) and had talked to some of her OB colleagues (who ALL know my story) who advise me to decline the amnio and have the baby as scheduled on 3/8/11. I'm not even sure if my peri/OB would agree to do that. Unfortunately, my mom is one of the few who has had to hear my hysterical calls after bad OB appointments (I've had issues with my providers). I'm so torn. I don't want to be selfish and have this baby too early to save my own sanity, especially at the potential price of his health. But at the same time, I know there is such a thing as a false negative for lung development, and it's very likely he will be fine at 36/6. I just want this baby out so badly...I feel like I can handle anything if he just makes it intact to the outside world. He can fight his way through anything--but he needs that chance to make it out alive. So, long story into short question: what would you do? I see my perinatologist in the morning for my weekly scan. I plan to talk to him more about the amnio, but I'm afraid of making a bad decision that might put my son's health in jeopardy. Any thoughts would be SO greatly appreciated, because no one on the outside truly understands. Rebecca
February 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca
Oooooo Rebecca that sounds like a really hard one. I don't think I've got much to contribute because I have no medical knowledge and I don't even know what an amino test is. But coincidentally our planned casear is being put back from week 35 to who knows when because of a paediatrician's concerns about lung development too. I've written on my blog about it and how it's freaking me out:
Sorry I've got nothin' else to offer. I'll be interested to read from you what you decide to do and what happens next. I'll be thinking of you......
PS Actually I haven't been honest on my blog about how it's freaking me out. I save that kind of honesty for Glow, and I'll probably rant about it at length on this week's pregnancy thread!
February 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSophia
They don't do amino's here (Australia) to check lung development before early deliveries. So I'm not really sure how that works. But I can say that my rainbow was delivered at 37+1 due only to my anxiety levels - from my ob's point of view there was no reason for an early delivery because we knew that Matilda had a genetic problem that was random rather than familial. It had been scheduled for 39+1 which I thought I was OK about but when I got to 36 and a half weeks I just couldn't cope with it anymore - the idea that most likely he'd be OK if delivered but what if something went wrong in the last two weeks. My ob said there were risks around lung development and steroid shots aren't proven to help that much after 34 weeks (I had them anyway) and then I was a mess about having him delivered early just because I wasn't coping. But he was fine - he spent an hour in the humidi-crib warming up while I was in recovery and then came up to our room with us when I left recovery.

Hope you can come up with something you're comfortable with.

Maddie x
February 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaddie
Rebecca: I just wanted to share that my sister in law was in the this exact position several years ago. Her first son was stillborn-- knot in the cord at 39 weeks. (Yes, both my brother and I have had to suffer through losing babies to stillbirth. Lucky us). When she was pregnant with her second child, the plan was exactly the same as yours. Amnio at 36 weeks to check lung development and then c-section. As I recall, the first amnio showed that the baby's lung were NOT ready. It was torture, but they waited another week and a second amnio showed that all was well. My wonderful niece turns 6 in two days:) For what it is worth, they followed the same plan when she was pregnant with her third child and the amnio at 36 weeks showed good lung development so my second niece was born shortly thereafter.

I know that it is a really stressful spot to be in. It is hard to balance your mental health and fears with the baby's health. I think the best thing you can do at this point is have a frank talk with your doctors. Explain your emotional state and then work from there. Best of luck!
February 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteph
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your input.
Sophia, I read your blog and it's definitely a similar situation. I will be sure to update after I see my doctors today. I feel like my "drop-dead" date for being pregnant is 38 weeks, but my anxiety levels are increasing steadily by the day. I don't know if I could go beyond next week (Friday of next week would be 37/2).
Maddie, Oh how I remember your angst at having to make the choice to go earlier than planned. I wasn't sure about the amnio rule in Australia. Trust me--I re-read your blog and Sally's blog and a couple others last night to see if the amnio was an issue. It wasn't mentioned, and now I know why. Because of the timing of our daughters' births and deaths, I know you're shooting your good thoughts out there for me.
Steph, thank you for the input. No--I cannot believe you and your brother both have dealt with this terrible thing. Some things are so unfair there is no explaining them. I am hoping at 36/5 the lungs will show developed. If my peri promises they will re-test again 3 days later (and my doctor can deliver me that Friday) if the test shows not developed, I will go for it. Or I may find out that I don't have the option to skip it. My appointment is in a few hours, so I will see if I can even get through the conversation without totally melting down.

February 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca
Rebecca - I am shooting you whole stackloads of good thoughts. You are so close now. xx
February 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaddie
Personally, I would do the amnio.

I would not blame you in the least, if you chose otherwise, because my heart breaks a little thinking of how awful that time would be.

But for me, and how I think, I would want the most reassurance possible that the delivery would result in healthy baby, and while the odds are baby will be fine at 36/6 - odds have never been in my favor with babies. C-section babies often have a little trouble with fluid in the lungs anyway (because it's not compressed out by vaginal birth) and that would worry me, especially if there was reason to suspect the lungs weren't mature. There is so much about intubation and NICU that scares me, that I'd be more willing to put up with the psychological torture of another week.

But that is ME. Not you. Your mom is certainly looking out for your best interests, and your docs will be as well. You seem really hesitant about the amnio, and it may be that your answer is right there already. There is a point at which this whole thing is a blind leap of faith and you will instinctively feel the right time to make it.

Lots of hope and love and support for *whatever* decision feels most right to you, mama.
February 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commentereliza
Eliza, I can't express how horrible I would feel if he ended up having to be intubated, or if he had long-term respiratory issues just because I "couldn't handle" the possibility of lightning striking twice.
I had my appointment with the peri. He told me that NOT having an amnio is not an option. If the levels are very low for maturity, the c-section would likely be done a week later than planned. If the levels are borderline, a discussion between the peri and my OB would take place, and a decision might be made to delay delivery by a few days depending on the actual numbers. In no case would a second amnio be performed. That made me feel somewhat more comfortable. The peri looked at the baby, and said he seems to be perfectly content with no signs of distress. The bottom line is, if baby is happy, I'm happy. I'm hoping the amnio result is good next week, but if not, I will try to keep telling myself that this baby is not Addison. I can do this--for him. Thanks again for the support, ladies. I've been laying low lately and just ticking down the days, but know that I've been following many of your stories. Rebecca
February 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca
What about going in for daily NST's IF the amnio shows the baby isnt quite ready? Would that help knowing you could at least do that? Praying for peace for you honey and hoping you dont have to make the decision at all, that baby's lungs are mature and ready to go when you are.
March 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMindy