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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > New week: November 15

I can't believe nobody started a thread yet! So I guess I will, even though I don't have much to say.

I'm 15 weeks and change. We've had a great NT/first tri screening result, and the only thing going on right now is that I have been diagnosed as high risk for gestational diabetes, probably due to my age and multiple pregnancies (I am 41, this is my third pregnancy), so I am poking myself with needles and following a strict diet. I hate it but if it will get me a healthy baby I will poke myself with anything they want.

How is everybody else doing?
November 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth
Thanks for starting the thread Beth! It was really throwing my week out of whack to not have this started, but I didn't have the guts to start it myself.

All quiet here, also at 15 weeks. I'm trying to think positively about Christmas, and trying to shake myself back into some self-care. I'm also pushing myself with my diet, so today I ate an orange and tonight I ate some vegies, which are both big wins for me.

Love to all, and wishing everyone a skerick of positivity no matter what your situation.
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSophia
Things are pretty quiet here too, I'm 18 wks as of tomorrow. I look like I did when I was 6 mos with Nevan, so I'm really dreading the awkward questions "Is this your first?" Luckily, it hasn't happened yet. I have my appt for the 'big scan' next friday, and I'm trying not to think about it too much. The 9 month anniversary of Nevan's birth and death just passed, and it was way harder than I was expecting.
Thinking of you all :)
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrachel
I've ovulated and in a few days I can start testing and start progesterone. Other than that, nothing. I'm doing NanoWriMo and am at 31,000 words and I'm being creative and focusing on the positive.

Our youngest daughter is experiencing extreme grief (I've written about it on my blog if anyone has anything to offer) and I'm very focused on her and managing the fallout as her distress is also causing ripples in the other girls.
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMerry
I'm 6 weeks yesterday. Going today for my prenatal appt with all the lab work. Still nervous and anxious to keep this a secret. We have only told my brother & sister-in-law. They are the ones who were pregnant the same time we were pregnant with Charlotte. Our nephew was born a week after my due date. My sister-in-law has been amazingly supportive of us.
I have my 8 week appt and U/S scheduled for 11/30. Hoping all goes well and we hear a heartbeat. I want to wait until then to tell our parents and siblings. I'm not sure if we can keep this to ourselves, especially over Thanksgiving.
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusan
i'm guessing things being quiet isn't a bad thing. good to hear.

i had another scan on tuesday (is that only yesterday???????!??) as i'd been having a little bleeding and the cessation of my pregnancy symptoms. we were actually quite surprised to see that all is still well. but this morning i woke up, went to the loo and was suddenly confronted by horrible pains in my abdomen. really, really bad. they went after a while but were really scary. i have an appointment with my midwife on friday, i'll be nine weeks.

this pregnancy is so entirely different to my last one. i never had even the slightest twinge last time. this time i started off crampy and have had sharp pains on and off to a greater or lesser extent ever since.

i just wish i could have a run of a few day - just a few days - when nothing scary happens and i can believe that i've got a chance of this pregnancy going all the way.

also, i've told a few people in work now. three people had guessed already and mentioned their suspicions to others (so i know they're not just kidding me). freaky as hell. how on earth can they tell????????
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterB
Beth - from the reading I'm doing about GD exercise trumps diet in the management of it (must get off couch and onto elliptical over here). I hope it's nothing.

So glad people seem to be doing ok.

Merry - I'm sorry your daughter (and the family) are suffering.

B - could it be you're experiencing round ligament pain more intensly this time? I've had more intense RLP and pelvic bone pain this pregnancy which I presume to be because I'm older and have been there, done that before.

AFM (AFUs?) - anyway - had our first scan on Monday - all looks good. The babe has the cutest toes and a nice fat brain. Heartbeat is 168bpm and nuchal fold looks ok. I'm feeling little bits of movement, but I think it's easier to know what it is since the last time wasn't that long ago. Blood work this weekend for gestational diabetes and IPS #1. Still gagging (which I expect all the way through like last time) and tired but that's normal. Also noticing some of the changes that I had with Foster's pregnancy which is eerie. Work knows (they seem supportive) and we're going public with it now. It is now a day by day thing.

Sending love
November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah H
Hi all- just checking in. Thinking of all of you..
B- I hope it all well for you tomorrow- I am thinking of you.

2 week (rather 10 day with new tests) wait. Finally ovulated so who knows- but we gave it a good solid try so we'll see.

I hope everyone is managing as we approach Thanksgiving- me- not so much- but that is life.
November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie
Thank you for starting the thread Beth and I hope the testing for gestational diabetes proves to be unnecessary. Poking yourself with needles and dieting isn't fun at the best of times.

Well done on the orange and the veggies Sophia. I've felt very nauseous so far and either of those would be a big win for me too.

Oh Rachel. I'm sorry that the 9 month anniversary of Nevan's birth was so hard. I had the dreaded question 'is this your first?' for the first time this week and I just wasn't prepared for it at all.

Hope the progesterone helps Merry and I'm sorry that your youngest daughter is having such a difficult time at the moment.

Hope your prenatal appointment went well Susan and that times passes quickly for you until your first scan.

B, I'm sorry that you've had more scares. I hope it is just your body adjusting to the pregnancy rather than anything sinister. I have been staying inside my 'small-bump-concealing' winter coat at work (luckily our office is freezing) so nobody is any the wiser yet!

Sarah H, I'm so pleased that everything looked good at your scan and that your work are supportive.

Fingers crossed for you Leslie and I hope that the holidays pass peacefully for you. I never thought I'd be glad to have fewer holidays but, to be honest, I'm quite glad that Thanksgiving isn't really celebrated here in the UK. I can only imagine that it is a difficult one.

afm - well, I'm now fourteen weeks but my cervix is already looking on the short side. Disappointing as I was really hoping that there would be no underlying issues and what happened in my previous pregnancy was down to either 'bad luck' or complications arising from there being two babies. Still, at least I'll be anticipating problems this time.

So now I feel as though I am sitting on a time bomb.
November 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine W
Oh Catherine- I just want to give you a giant hug.
Sending you nothing but positive thoughts and strength for the days ahead....
November 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie
Catherine, sending you much strength and love.

How are you doing, B? Thinking of you and hoping you had a good ultrasound.

Nothing to report here, I'm just trying to remain hopeful....this could be the month, right?

Thinking of you all.
November 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterM
Oh, Catherine, I am so sorry for this worry. That is my nightmare, too, and I just hate that you are already having to worry about it.

M, I am so hoping that this is your month.
November 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBeth
Oh Catherine. I will be thinking and hoping for you so much in the coming months.

I am sorry you are having to deal with GD stuff Beth. That's yucky, but you're right, if the end result is a healthy baby it will all be worth it.

Glad things are going well Sophia, and I'm glad the fruits and veggies are staying down :)

I'm sorry things were tough Rachel. I will be thinking of you during your big scan.

I hope this is your month Merry, and that the progesterone does it's thing. I am so sorry that your daughter is hurting, as hard as this is for us, it must be so much harder for a child.

Glad things are going well Susan.

Thinking of you today B, hope the midwife appt went well. I'm sorry things are scary, I wish there was something I could do to make it less so. I was very, very crampy during all of my pregnancies, and I did get a live baby out of one of them, so it can happen.

Glad things are going well Sarah, and that work is supportive. Glad the ultrasound went well too.

I'm glad you ovulated Leslie, and I will be thinking about you during Thanksgiving. It's so hard to not dwell on what should be. I am really struggling with that myself.

I hope this next month is your month M. I am really hopeful for you.

AFM, all quiet. I did ovulate right on schedule, so I am glad my parts are working again. Hoping this next period will be a semblance of normal. Met my new OB, she seems great, definitely agrees that we were not handled well. Talked to MFM specialist again, he is so nice and reassuring, and said once I am pregnant again he will do ultrasounds whenever I want them. They have me on big time folic acid and baby aspirin, and if I miscarry again I am going on blood thinners. So it feels nice to have a plan.

One thing the OB did say, and of course I immediately thought of you all ......we were talking about elective C-sections and safety of labor and what not and she said "well, we just don't really lose babies because of labor, there is always something else going on". Ummmm, really? She was nice though and seemed receptive to at least talking about options so that's all that matters at this point, I guess.
November 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKeely

I can see some sense in what she said about labour in a way - I know there are mismanaged births or cord knots or cords round neck etc etc (and perhaps those still come into 'something else going on') but I think that for a baby to die just because of ordinary labour is a bit rare. I think Freddie was weak and labour was the last straw (or maybe even irrelevant) for him and I've heard so many stories that seem the same.

I read something years ago about CP being only birth related in 1/10 cases - an I can believe it. However safe being pregnant really is, it seems, once you know about the things that can go wrong - a myriad of lucky chances when it works.
November 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMerry