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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > Waiting on pins and needles

We don't really have an exact answer for Charlotte's death. But we're pretty sure it had to do with my Rh- blood. I delivered her on June 6th. I had the Rhogam injection at the hospital. I went in for my 2 week (head)checkup. They called me back the next day. So I had another Rhogam injection on June 18th. I had my 6 wk checkup on July 19th and went back to work then.

My doctor wanted us to wait at least 3 months / cycles before trying again. And they wanted to check my antibody levels 12 wks after the last Rhogam injection. So I went in Sept 13th for another blood draw. They called and said my levels were still elevated. That the test was positive and they wanted to see it be negative. So they say to wait another 4 weeks to test again. Allow the Rhogam to fully get out of my system, since it is effective for 12 weeks.

I went again this Tues 10/12 morning for another blood draw. I am STILL waiting for the nurse to call me with the results. Don't they know how much this is killing me to wait. I really want to start trying if they give me the ok. But I'm fully expecting to hear the same results as last time. That my antibodies are still there and I will have to deal with this issue in subsequent pregnancies. Such a stressful waiting time. So hard to think happy thoughts. I did that a month ago and was totally let down. So I'm just going to expect the worst right now.

Would any of you go against the doctor's advice to start trying again?? I'm about ready to say screw it. I know this blood issue will require more monitoring, but there's nothing else to do at this point. They cannot change my blood type or the antibodies if they're still in it.
October 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusan
Susan I posted a few days ago as I am in the same came (trying to decide) as you- though for a different reason (c-section one month ago).
I am usually well versed in these topics but do not know a thing about RH factors as I am positive so I never studied the side of being RH negative.

I think the only person who can truly know if you should try is you. I know that doesn't help...

What are the risks they have mentioned to you with the recent dose of Rhogam?
October 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie
I'm Rh- as well and did quite a bit of reading on this after we lost Bella. Do you know your OH's blood type, if he's Rh- as well you'd not have to worry about it. Did Charlotte have Rhesus disease? It's crazy rare if you had antenatal care. Was she Rh+? I'm confused that they say they want the Rhogam out of your just mops up any antibodies (if you have any) that are still in your system from the pregnancy, it's made from donated plasma so should be all good.
October 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrustrated Fairy
Susan, I'm also Rh negative but that was not the cause of my son's stillbirth. I don't have any particular advice to give but just wanted to send some support your way. I know that "screw it" was kind of the way I felt about waiting to heal from my c-section. It's so hard to wait, and I'm so sorry they're not faster getting the results back to you. I wish you a smooth journey forward no matter what you decide.
October 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStacey
Well, good news to report today! I called this morning. I couldn't wait any longer. They returned my call and said the test was NEGATIVE!!

So, that means no antibodies in my system. They said the Rhogam could have caused the test to still show up positive. That's why they wanted to wait another 4 weeks from the last time. To make sure it was completely gone after 16 weeks.

I am O- and my husband is O+. Charlotte was O+. They didn't exactly say that she had Rhesus disease. I think it could have been a fetomaternal hemorrage. They did tell me there was an unusually large amount of her blood in my system.

But with the negative result, ideally there is nothing wrong with that area. We still don't have a definitive answer as to why she died at 26 weeks. She just stopped moving and I noticed. Still scares me to try again. Not sure I can handle another loss or going months without being able to conceive. But I know that both are possibilities. It just feels a little better to know I don't have to hate my blood so much.

Thanks for the support everybody!! Feels good to share with those who truly understand.
October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusan
So glad you had some good news! Sounds like the Rh- blood thing won't be a problem at least :D
I'm in exactly the same position, I lost Isabella at 24 weeks, still no known cause, same thing she just stopped moving one day . Although I did have some tests that were positive straight after they all were negative at 12 weeks. I'm now just coming up to 26 weeks pregnant a year later after falling pregnant by accident (we were told to wait a year) and we'd decided not to try again full stop, ah well. I'm glad it happened now though, even though it's such a rollercoaster. I know how hard the decision making bit is though, it's so so hard trying to plan anything. Hope it works out for you whatever you decide xx
October 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrustrated Fairy
Susan I am so glad you got the news you were waiting for today. May it bring you hope....
October 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie