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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > Does anyone else have a new partner?

I was wondering if anyone else is trying to have a baby with someone different than the person with whom they experienced a loss? My (now) ex-husband and I lost twins at 23w5d, five years ago. Now, I'm early in pregnancy with my "new" husband. I feel sort of alone in my fears. He trusts the doctors and is thinking about when the baby gets here, etc. I simply can't trust the docs or think very far ahead (especially to a real, live baby). Last time I was pregnant, the doctors didn't listen to my concerns about pre-term labor, didn't follow up the first time I went into labor and my regular OB wasn't even there when the twins were born. New hubby thinks I'm "not giving the new doc a chance" because I think the same thing could happen again. Also, it's really hard for me to look ahead to future stages in the pregnancy, or partly even to see this pregnancy as real at all. I'm sure it's a coping mechanism...we really want this baby--it's just that I had all but given up on even being able to get pregnant, much less carrying a healthy baby to term. I'm not sure new hubby understands this at all--his ex-wife got pregnant really easily when they were young, and she had easy pregnancies. My previous pregnancies were both results of fertility treatments, and both ended badly. In other words, his experience is drastically different than mine.
Does anyone else have experience with a new partner since your loss? Any tips on communicating about it with new partner?
August 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShellie
I don't but just wanted to say I'm thinking of you...
August 13, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonique
Hi Shellie - it's great to see you here.

I don't have a new partner, nor am I pregnant again. But I can see why this can easily be a source of tension and complication for you, just knowing how it is to be around friends and family who don't understand how things are in the aftermath of babyloss because they don't fully understand how it feels.

How much have you been able to communicate with your husband about your previous loss and how it affected you? Has he ever read anything from babylost parents about loss and subsequent pregnancy?

I'm thinking that maybe a book or some blogs might help him to have a better sense of what you've suffered and how it changes things afterwards. Perhaps a book like Elizabeth McCracken's, which is short and beautifully accessible and universal (and covers her second pregnancy following the stillbirth of her first son) would give him greater insight in to the perilousness of the world you are in? Another might be Pregnancy After a Loss by Carol Cirulli Lanham.

Barring that, perhaps a session with a counselor or therapist - alone or together - who specializes in pregnancy loss could be beneficial to help you better express your feelings and frame them in a way that he can understand.

Some compromise may be necessary, but the feelings in it all. Gosh, that must be such an isolating, crazy-making sort of feeling. Please know you aren't alone in your pregnancy after loss and how you are feeling.
August 14, 2010 | Registered Commentereliza
hi Shellie. i'm with the same partner, but i wanted to suggest that you might want to post your question on - sometimes people who have a specific question write in to there. if you don't have a blog you could just put up your email (with suitable 'remove this bit' added to help prevent spam - or you could just set up a new email just for this so it doesn't matter). there are an awful lot of people who go to that blog daily and i'm sure someone will be dealing with those issues.

and we are all here to support you when you need it. thinking of you and your twins. do you want to tell us about them? we'd love to hear it you do. (sorry if you've already told us about them elsewhere but i couldn't see that you have)
August 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterB

I'm sorry about the difficulty you and your husband are having...I know it just exacerbates the hurt and anxiety you're already feeling. I'm also sorry that my response to your post is a few weeks out, but I didn't see it until I looked for you today after seeing your response to my post.

As you know from reading and commenting on my post, I have been going through a similar situation with my husband, with the exception that we are TTC and not pregnant. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope that your husband is right in this case that the doctors will get the baby here, but I completely understand your anxieties also. They are normal, trust in that.

I hope that the discouragement that you mentioned in your counseling sessions is due to all of the emotions that are exposed now, and that the discouragement and polarization dissipates as the freshness wears off. l also hope that you and your husband are able to get back on the "same" track--or at least parallel mindsets headed in the same direction. Men really are different beings than women in not only the way they hear new information, but in how they process and convey it. I'm learning that the coping mechanisms my husband has shown with the news of my past loss are hurtful--and we must learn to communicate about these things in a less hurtful manner--but they are not necessarily a sign of love or hatred, just of how he is trying to understand and deal. I hope your husband can find a way to be here for you, as best as he can, right now. I think that his willingness to go to therapy is a sign of that.

I completely understand the pain that feeling isolated from your current husband because of a past lost can inflict. But please know that you are not alone in your feelings.

Thinking of you,
September 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterP