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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > Kick Charts


Just wondering who's doing kick charts? Did you ob recommend you do or have you just decided do? When/how long are you counting? When did you start?

Maddie x
July 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaddie
I'm not doing charts but bought a KickTrack counter and do them once a day, sometimes twice. It stores the last 10 readings in memory, so you can look back and see any patterns. I'm also trying to relax a little and know that as long as I get some/consistent movements throughout the day, that's good. Trying not to be a crazy lady, anyway. I started @ 28 weeks as I found before that he wasn't moving as consistently or strongly so it would ultimately stress me out. My OB didn't recommend it but it gives me comfort b/c movement is such a loaded thing for me.
July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonique
Thanks Monique. Movement is loaded for me too - Matilda wasn't stillborn but she did stop moving and me telling the midwives that was what caused her to be delivered that night. Tests on my placenta show it was failing rapidly. I guess because of my experience, I just expect this baby to stop moving at some point and feel like I need to realise when that is.
July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaddie
Yeah, I had decreased movement and went to hospital for all the good it did me - they released me (in spite of decelerations in heartrate and decreased movement) and I went back a couple days later and it was confirmed he died. So, the whole movement thing freaks the hell out of me too. I don't know - I'm trying to find the balance. Some days are harder than others.

How`s your diabetes going? Mine is ramping up - finding I'm having to take more insulin than I previously did and trying to be okay with that.
July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonique
I'm so sorry you went through that. They took me seriously when I said there was no movement (I'd been in hospital with PE for 5 weeks by that stage) and we delivered straight away. Yeah the balance thing is hard.

Mine's OK so far. Am scared about it ramping up and ending up on insulin though. I'm going back to my endo in 2 1/2 weeks unless I get more than five high readings in a week (fasting levels of less than 5 and two hours after start of meal less than 6.5). Have had three slightly high ones so far this week.

How much insulin are you on? Are you going to have non stress tests regularly towards the end?
July 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMaddie
I'm now taking insuln at breakfast & dinner (4 and 7 units respectively) and slow-releasing at night at 9 units. I started with only taking 2 units of rapid at dinner time and did that for a long time. It's just been in the last 2 weeks that I've noticed the higher #'s - and they're not horrible, just getting some 8-9's 2 hour post and was getting some fasting #'s of around 6. If you do have to go on insulin, it's honestly not that bad. It's kind of comforting, this morning I woke up with a 4.9 after upping last night's slow-release to 9 and it was great. It's much better than having high #s and then freaking out!

I'm not planning on getting NST's but it's sort of turning out that way, as it seems I kind of freak out and go to the hospital once weekly! They said they didn't mind and I can come as often as I need. I was thinking of asking if I could make a standing appointment to come once a week. I'm getting more consistent movements lately so I'm doing better emotionally.

Hang in there, Maddie. We don't have much longer to go. xoxo
July 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMonique
My doctor has had me do kick counts since about 30 weeks. I try to do them the same time every night when I know the baby is active.

I also go in twice weekly for NST/AFI. Monique - I would definitely ask your doctor if you can do a NST once a week. I think it is helpful to not only see the baby's heart beat but also for the doctor to check on the variability in the heart rate and to make sure that when you have contractions, the baby's heart rate is not dropping. Maybe it is a false sense of security, but I like doing them.

Hang in there both of you!!
July 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergmh217
I have an anterior placenta and the movements haven't been consistent...or at least, I can't feel them all the time. It wasn't until 32 weeks that I have felt him moving every day. Kick counts are probably useful for some, but I'd have to go into the hosp every day if I tried them and they would just freak me out. If you are feeling consistent movement or patterns then I guess they are useful.
August 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterZSM
Hello everyone. My Dr wants me to do kick counts starting now even if it is early I am just 25 weeks but we have twins. I am to lay on my left side in bed and try to keep things quiet and calm rub my stomach and see if I can get them to stir. I am to count at least 6 kicks in one hour and if they dont' make that rate then try one more time after a break to see if they were just sleeping. If I dont' get at least 6 kicks in one hour then I need to call the Dr and they will get me in to the hospital for a scan. It is just better safe they said. It doesn't have to be a long ultrasound or anything like that. They said if it is during office hours they will get out the doplar and check or at the hospital either a doplar or ultrasound.
August 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLynn