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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

ttc | pregnancy | birth after loss > Any charters want to commune with me for a moment?

I could use some chart stalkers for advice. Well, maybe over the next couple of days.

My body is doing a stunning job of confusing me again. I normally ovulate around cd 23 (sometimes as late as cd 26. In the last year, never earlier than cd 22). Which is very late. So last cycle I took soy isoflavones to move up ovulation. It worked. I ovulated on cd 20. Great! I wasn't pregnant. Not great!

So this cycle I took the soy isoflavones again. Same dosage, but I took them earlier (cd3-7, instead of 4-8). They work (in theory) in a similar fashion to Clomid, but weaker. Some women report Clomid-like side effects, ranging from lack of fertile cm to hot flashes. I definitely had the hot flashes, but cm was normal last cycle. This cycle, it's been . . . not fertile. I normally have 7+ days of fertile cm. This cycle, not really.

It's not uncommon for me to have ovarian pain leading up to ovulation. Last cycle it was really amplified and it was pretty obvious when I ovulated based on that alone. This cycle, the pain was moderate and off and on until this weekend, when it ramped up. Monday was extremely painful, especially on the left side. At one point, I felt pinching/pulsing pain for about 15 minutes - similar to what happened last cycle before the pain stopped. The pain persisted through the evening, and was definitely uncomfortable. Went to bed still feeling it. The next morning (Tuesday), the pain was gone. I've had a few twinges yesterday and today, but nothing approaching that pain.

However, as you'll see, my temp didn't really increase. . . Although since Gabriel, I've consistently had a big dip near ovulation, and it seems like ovulation has not produced a quick, high jump so much as a slow climb. In playing around with FF, short of a positive opk (which I have not seen yet this cycle), if my temp continues to climb, even by small degrees, FF places ovulation on Tuesday. I would be inclined to agree with this, except for the temp stuff (and lack of opk).

Fertility signs yesterday and today are mixed. Cervix is still high, but cm is creamy (wet, but creamy).

*glares at body* I wish this was clearer and easier.

Anyway, here's a link to my chart, and if you wouldn't mind stalking for a few days to tell me what you think until I get a clearer answer one way or another, I'd appreciate it!
April 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commentereliza
Hi Eliza,
I think we are on the same boat, trying to understand our cycles and why we don't get pregnant like every other normal woman. I am on my fifth TTC cycle. What about you?
For what you said my guess is that you have not ovulated yet this cycle. In this case the pain could be something else. Although I agree with you that it is weird.
I also have uncoupled ovulation symptoms. Some months I feel ovulation pain, others I have CM. Most months I don't have fertile CM, tough. Breast tenderness is the most constant sign of ovulation lately, which I confirm by temperature increase. I also often get bloated and gassy. I never have all symptoms on the same month. At least not since I started trying. I don't remember much how it was before my loss, since I never paid too much attention to these things. I do remember though that I had very pronounced ovulation pain and CM the month I got pregnant and we had sex while I was feeling it.
When I have some time I will upload my charts so I can share with you.
April 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrancisca
This is officially trying cycle #4 post- Gabe, but really cycle 5, given that our timing was so inadvertently excellent and unprotected around Thanksgiving. . .

This is the longest it's ever taken. Pregnant on cycle 4 (following an anovulatory cycle, so really 3 actual cycles) with Chickadee. Immediately after losing Chickadee (1 cycle). 2 cycles post-ectopic for Gabriel. I guess, if you restart the clock with the chemical pregnancy, this is number 3.

I know that is nowhere near a long amount of time, I know all the odds by maternal age for each cycle, I know the statistics about when people tend to get pregnant. . . but in my head, it's impossible to avoid the fact that in May, we hit 2 calendar years of trying to build our family, with 4 failed pregnancies to show for it. It's so disheartening. Most disheartening is that things have changed post-Gabriel - apart from my herbal monkeying around - and I don't know what to expect as I did 2 years ago.

But, one thing is clear - I did NOT ovulate. Which is fine (so long as it happens soon) - real, trustable fertility signs showed up today, making me feel better. You know what's weird though? This cycle is the same timeframe that I conceived Gabriel a year ago. And ovulation is 'predicted' to occur on the same date. And last year? on cd16/17 - I had a weird thing like I had this cycle on cd 16/17, that was unclear and made me question whether or not ovulation had occurred. It's eerie and makes me a little uncertain about what is happening. I don't want to get too wrapped up in this strange coincidence and think it means something, but it's hard not to feel that way, you know?

I'd love to see your charts, if you can upload them (you can always enter into FF for free!
April 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commentereliza
I haven't had time to post my charts, but I will soon.
I am on CD 18 and my temp raised on CD 15, so I think I ovulated between CD 14 and 15. My breasts are sore. I would be so happy if this was an early pregnancy sign. I know, I know, I am hallucinating.
April 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrancisca
That's good! I'm back in limbo, with what I thought was clear and lovely temp shift in conjunction with decreasing fertility signs, only to have it drop a bit the next day and again today. FF is saying I ovulated on Friday, when I thought I did, but I'm not convinced because these temps are awful (mind you - I did wake up uncovered and with my mouth open and we had a cold front move through last night, so . . . it's possible it's just off).

Stupid body and stuff. Wish it worked like it was sposed to. *kicks at the dirt angry-like* I don't feel like I'm going to ovulate, necessarily, but I can't rule it out, so after a nice break, I guess we're back to sex again.
April 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commentereliza
i just looked at your chart again. what a nightmare. i'd be confused too.

fingers crossed that this month is your month, one way or another.
April 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterB
I just posted my last three cycles. The March one is messed up, but it is ok because I couldn't BD anyway. The other ones are pretty clear.
April 21, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFrancisca