Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.
Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.
parenting after loss > When to tell your five year old there's a sibling on the way
Hi, I'm after advice on when to tell my almost five year old boy that I'm pregnant. We lost his big sister over six years ago and he knows she died but never met her or had to deal with intense grief etc. I'm now 14 weeks pregnant and struggling with my own emotions. What did you do? When did you tell your child(ren), who haven't experienced pregnancy or loss first hand? I think it's too early to tell him now as we are so far away from birth and he doesn't deal well with anxiety. But then again, maybe it's better to tell him so he 'understands' the anxiety he can feel in the house. We haven't told our family yet as they're far away and I don't want to deal with their happiness or worries. Thank you for reading
I have a five year old boy. He repeats everything, tells everyone everything etc so I don’t tell him what I don’t want repeated to everyone he speaks I’d say wait until you’re ready to have him blurt out to everyone that “mama has a baby in her tummy.” Sending you courage and peace G.
I'm after advice on when to tell my almost five year old boy that I'm pregnant. We lost his big sister over six years ago and he knows she died but never met her or had to deal with intense grief etc. I'm now 14 weeks pregnant and struggling with my own emotions.
What did you do? When did you tell your child(ren), who haven't experienced pregnancy or loss first hand? I think it's too early to tell him now as we are so far away from birth and he doesn't deal well with anxiety. But then again, maybe it's better to tell him so he 'understands' the anxiety he can feel in the house. We haven't told our family yet as they're far away and I don't want to deal with their happiness or worries.
Thank you for reading