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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

parenting after loss > Back to work

I just realized that Friday is May 1st and my first day back at work. I am completely not ready to go, only 3 bags of breast milk in the freezer, not ready to leave my little baby with her Dad all day and Rosabella has been going through a really rough patch and needs her Mom too. My DH has been mess since Eliana was born, he broke his arm and his dad died. The arm is healing, but stiff and not very strong (it was a bad break near the wrist and the surgeon says there is a 60-70% chance that he will need a partial wrist fusion in the future). He is emotionally a wreck, not connecting with either girl, depressed etc. He has been seeing a counselor and a psychologist that specializes in cognitive therapy and hypnosis. He has an appointment with a psychiatrist next month, but the wait was so long he is seeing his GP this week to get started on some anti-depressants. We have hired a mother's helper for the days when we are solo and I enrolled Rosabella in Montessouri school half day for the summer.

I need to get back to work financially and maybe this will help kick start my DH's recovery... I do EVERYTHING at home, childcare, cooking, groceries, dishes, bill paying, and I am exhausted. Just needed some words of encourgement!
April 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterGrace's Mom
Sending you lots of positive energy for you and your husband as you return to work. My first day back is also on May 1st. I'm a little anxious and worried about weird things people might say, but also looking forward to getting paid and having a fixed routine. I wish you the best on your first day, and will be thinking out you as I set out into the working world.
April 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterR
I'm sending you and DH (and your girls!) SOOOO much good energy. It sounds like things are really rough. That's so much stuff to have in one period. Even one of those things is heavy...and then to do it all in combo...oof. You will make it through this. Its a one day at a time thing just like when you walked through those early days without Grace. I think its smart to have Rosabella in some structured childcare this summer so your husband can focus on the baby and she can get some time to roam, etc. That will help. I'm sorry its so tough and I'm SO glad to hear that your husband is being proactive and getting the help he needs. That's better for all of you and especially for him. Love and light to you all!
April 28, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterCarrie
Keep going, sounds like you are doing an amazing job.
Pace yourself, eat , drink, go to bed early. Ask for help from people who
Love you. A play date to give you am hour or someone
Bringing a casserole can make all the diff.
If you ask , unlikely people would say no . Asking is the hard bit .
Keep going, keep going.
This too shall pass
May 3, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSally
Grace's mom:

Just chiming in to echo what Carrie and Sally wrote.. you are doing an amazing job of keeping it together. I'm sure you've fallen into some kind of 'routine' by now (I'm only posting a month later!)..
Sending you lots of love and energy!
June 3, 2015 | Unregistered Commentersme