Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.
Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.
I'm feeling a tad bitter about the hair loss I'm starting to experience. I remember it so well with my son, and I've been dreading having it start after losing Addison. Hair by the handful started coming out yesterday. It's simply not fair that we have to suffer all the physical symptoms that follow having a baby without actually getting to take the baby home. After recovering from a c-section, having to lose baby weight (not that it's all off yet), living with more stretch marks, getting through it really fair to have to lose your hair, too? I'm just venting because it's just one more thing that totally sucks.
Yes it all sucks. I don't really have anything to offer except that eventually these things will pass.
I had gestational diabetes so between that diet and having no appetite (it's just starting to come back now) I lost all the weight in the first few weeks. Friends complement me on it and I hate it - to me it's just a reminder of the fact I have no appetite because I have no baby.
I haven't lost my hair yet - maybe I've still got that to look forward too.
I was just thinking about the unfairness of the postpartem crap yesterday when I started bleeding again. I forgot about the hairloss - I'm glad you mentioned it, I think it would have come as a shock. I guess I blocked that - I remember thinking about that when I got my haircut the day before I went to work. We should really get a pass on all this stuff, we don't get the prize that goes with it.
It really does suck, doesn't it? The fact of hair loss didn't surprise me (nor did it take 3 months, but I was only pregnant for 21 weeks), the amount of hair loss shocked me. Of course, having really long hair, it seemed like more than it was, but still . . . to wash your hair and pull clumps out is unnerving.
I was very unprepared for lactation. I had assumed that I was too early to lactate, and no one told me it might happen, so it was a great shock to me to become engorged and have to deal with that too.
There is not one damn thing is that fair or right about what we go through in baby loss land.
Oh yes, the hairloss! Mine started falling out around 3 months, and is still falling out now (at 6 months), though not quite so badly. My husband has had to unblog the shower drain several times, I spend ages hoovering up hair from the carpets, it balls up in the washing's disgusting and depressing.
Now that I think about it, I may just shave my head after all. I told my husband I would so my outside matched my inside (actually I said I would pull it out) and after having everyone compliment my hair and not mention my baby - I'm sorely tempted. The thought of it falling out like that just adds more incentive.
Of course, I'll probably regret it in a few months and then all the idiots will be asking if I have cancer.
I had gestational diabetes so between that diet and having no appetite (it's just starting to come back now) I lost all the weight in the first few weeks. Friends complement me on it and I hate it - to me it's just a reminder of the fact I have no appetite because I have no baby.
I haven't lost my hair yet - maybe I've still got that to look forward too.
Maddie x
I was very unprepared for lactation. I had assumed that I was too early to lactate, and no one told me it might happen, so it was a great shock to me to become engorged and have to deal with that too.
There is not one damn thing is that fair or right about what we go through in baby loss land.
i do seem to have missed out on hair loss. thank goodness.
i'm so sorry for those of you that had to deal with this. it's just another kick in the teeth when you feel you can't take any more.
i miss my baby quietly and sadly today.
Love Jeanette
Of course, I'll probably regret it in a few months and then all the idiots will be asking if I have cancer.