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glow in the woods

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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

for one and all > just found this site

I found this site two days ago from Lorraine Ash's website.
I have spent the last two days reading here, reading the blogs linked from here. And crying with you.

I have found the 6 by 6 especially helpful. I often sit at my computer at night wanting to write. Needing to write. And all I can say is I . Miss . Her . But those three words always mean so much more. It is her little life. Her loss. My broken heart and soul. It is 2 years of trying to pick the pieces back up. Trying to heal.

As I have read the 6 by 6 it has given me an opportunity to think through more linearly that the jumbled thoughts that dance in my head at night.

December 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterK
K, I'm so glad something here resonates with you, and helps you to explore the edges of how you're feeling. we're doing out best right now to come up with another series of questions - now the 7 by 7, since we've added Jen, our new contributor - and I'll watch for you. Much love,
December 5, 2008 | Registered Commenterglow in the woods