Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.
Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.
So we have finally found out what killed Scott. And it is something SOOO stupid and annoying.
They couldn't be sure at first but now it makes sense....Scott was small and they said he was also anemic.
This led them to believe that it was Parvovirus 19B. If you google can show up through dogs and cats..but also as something called Fifths Disease...a common childhood virus.
BOTH my kids came down with it.
I was told by the OB then that I could have my blood tested to see if I carried the antibodies already but really they couldn't do much unless I showed symptoms.
However..I have read since then that adults often don't carry the same symptoms.
And being that I was ill with pneumonia and a chronic cough....who new WHAT was parvo and what wasn't.
My kids school bug killed my son.
I learned this from the specialist we were referred to by my Ob/Gyn.
We were seeing him because he said if I got pregnant again, he would take care of me.
Well, here I am.
And we haven't told anyone..cept my mom.
But this one won't die from THAT bug.
But now am considered at risk because of being 39 and having had this experience.
So now I am suffering terrible morning (all day) sickness and can't tell anyone!
But I dont' want to tell people..haven't even told the kids. Haven't even blogged about it...
So the blog is a bit thin these days.
I am getting an early scan next week to see what sort of stage we are at and if everything looks ok.
They have me doing three blood tests in a row to check HCG levels too.
This guy is ultra cautious.
And this Friday will be a year from the day we got the awful news...
And it is something SOOO stupid and annoying.
They couldn't be sure at first but now it makes sense....Scott was small and they said he was also anemic.
This led them to believe that it was Parvovirus 19B.
If you google can show up through dogs and cats..but also as something called Fifths Disease...a common childhood virus.
BOTH my kids came down with it.
I was told by the OB then that I could have my blood tested to see if I carried the antibodies already but really they couldn't do much unless I showed symptoms.
However..I have read since then that adults often don't carry the same symptoms.
And being that I was ill with pneumonia and a chronic cough....who new WHAT was parvo and what wasn't.
My kids school bug killed my son.
I learned this from the specialist we were referred to by my Ob/Gyn.
We were seeing him because he said if I got pregnant again, he would take care of me.
Well, here I am.
And we haven't told anyone..cept my mom.
But this one won't die from THAT bug.
But now am considered at risk because of being 39 and having had this experience.
So now I am suffering terrible morning (all day) sickness and can't tell anyone!
But I dont' want to tell people..haven't even told the kids. Haven't even blogged about it...
So the blog is a bit thin these days.
I am getting an early scan next week to see what sort of stage we are at and if everything looks ok.
They have me doing three blood tests in a row to check HCG levels too.
This guy is ultra cautious.
And this Friday will be a year from the day we got the awful news...