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glow in the woods

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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

for one and all > what do you want/need from this space?

Just want to say that we've been really happy to have so many people visiting and beginning to share stories here over the past week...

Now that we're a week in and finding our feet, we're looking for your input...what do YOU want or need from Glow in the Woods? What are your expectations for a shared site like this? What - if anything - would make you feel less alone in your grief? What kinds of commonality and interaction with other posters are you hoping for, or comfortable with?

Basically, keeping in mind that this is nobody's full time job, what kind of community would we all like to work towards?

This space will likely be, in a sense, a living irony intended. The six of us blogging here are keen to continue with our own posts/reflections, and will keep collecting reference materials and relevant articles...but we think this space for discussion really matters in terms of the site becoming an actual, interactive community. ideas about how we (and i mean ALL of us who might want to come here) can foster a supportive, contributory environment?


May 9, 2008 | Registered Commenterbon

It might be nice to have threaded comments in the discussion section...You know, so that we can respond more directly to comments and such. I love the main page posts, but on the discussion pages, I think it would be nice to have it have more of a community feeling.

I just think more interaction would be nice.

(And I know that you are so new and it is a load of work for everyone, so this is not a criticism.).

May 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoralee

I agree loralee - good suggestion. I've looked into it, and apparently this section is already noted as 'multi-threaded' - I think because it hosts a variety of topics that can be added by anyone. But once you're inside a topic, it's basically a chronological list of comment-replies to that one topic.

So that I understand - you're referring to chatboard-style discussions, where each post to one topic is its own thread with its own series of responses? i.e. meaning that if you have thoughts on one particular comment, you can reply to that individual specifically rather than just adding your comment at the end of the discussion?

I hope that made more sense to you than it did to me. :)

I don't know if Squarespace hosts this depth of threaded dicsussions or not - but with a clear sense, I can at least check.

May 9, 2008 | Registered Commenterglow in the woods

that would actually be quite cool, to have the capacity to reply to comments with a visual cue rather than just by using someone's name. i know that most blogging software doesn't allow for that, though...thanks for looking into it, Kate.

for me, i've really found it cool to have the different topics sprouting up here in the discussion this past week, contributed from all over...with responses from all over. i'd really encourage people to make this space as much their own as possible...i think the more conversation we have going on, the more support all of us with our different stories are going to find.

i guess the other question that i have, though i'm not entirely sure how to ask it, is do people want to have (and is it possible to have) categories here in the discussion...places for writing about our children, for discussing aspects of grief vs. aspects of healing, etc? or better just to keep it all together and see what evolves organically? i'd be really curious to find out what people feel the need to say and have heard...and also how the space can best be a safe place for saying those things. :)

May 10, 2008 | Registered Commenterbon

Kate-Yup, that was exactly what I was thinking, but I know that would probably be difficult to create.

Bon-I like the idea of categories, but honestly, I think it's fine just as it is for now. Maybe if it gets bigger it will more of an issue...

May 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoralee