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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

for one and all > Dealing with trying again...

My son AND husband really want us to try son is so devasted by the loss and really LOVES babies...he is so emotional.
Dh keeps watching me to see if I am ready.
I think I am really just afraid of the fear...of putting myself through all that anxiety.
I have a specialist who will be with me from the start if I do try again...but again the though of billions of trips to the doctors and specialists makes me very uncomfortable.

Dh also worries about me getting older.

Too much....

May 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrunchy Carpets

When you envision your family life, crunchy, what do you see?

May 7, 2008 | Registered Commenterglow in the woods

You'll always have the fear. The pregnancy will SUCK even if it's the best pregnancy in the world because you will be afraid. But if you see yourself having more than your son in the future.. maybe now is the time to push through the fear. We'll all be here every step of the way. Good luck to you and whatever you decide.

May 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCheli

From what I understand, pregnancy after a loss is an entirely different animal from normal pregnancy. Your eyes have been opened -- you know the worst that can happen, and that it DOES happen. And from hanging out with other babyloss mamas, you come to learn all the other ways you could possibly lose a baby. Fortunately, the Internet also makes it possible to connect with other loss mothers going through subsequent pregnancies. I know of two really great books on this subject that I can recommend to you: "Trying Again" by Ann Douglas & John Sussman, and "Pregnancy After a Loss" by Carol Cirulli Lanham. Best of luck!!

May 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterloribeth

Hugs to you, Crunchy Carpets. And I can second the first book that loribeth recommended. And yes, like she said, totally different animal. Take you time to get ready, because it is going to be so demanding in every sense. Gather your support. You sound a bit pressured, please know that it is your body and heart and mind going to take and go through a lot, so you do have the final call. Best of luck!!

May 7, 2008 | Registered Commenterjanis

Thanks you guys..
I think part of it is..while yes...I still want another child...I really do...

I question my motives more for one thing.
Is something missing in me? Is it a baby or a kid that I want?

I am also feeling in a good head space right now...I suppose I am feeling selfish about spoiling that with anxiety and worry.

I also felt SOOO horrid mentally and physically during my 26 weeks with Scott, that I dread feeling that miserable again.

I feel that I must as you guys said..prepare for this like a marathon.

Oh and I am so glad you guys set up this is beautiful and you are all beautiful.

Thank you.

May 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrunchy Carpets

this is actually what my next post is about...both after the loss of our first, and after a first trimester m/c last fall, we've jumped in again within five months. for me, it has been a way of foreclosing at least one aspect of the grief involved both times...the "what if i never have kids to raise/have a sibling for O to grow up with?" it does little to assuage the rest of the grief, but it at least helps me feel like i'm making potential progress on that one front. pregnancy after is hard, for sure...and with two pregnancies close together it tends to feel a bit like you've been pregnant forever...but for me, both times, i've just felt this need to get started, to try. not to make things right, because it won't, but to have something to look forward to in the midst of abiding with all my sadness.

i wish you the best making this decision.

May 7, 2008 | Registered Commenterbon

I felt very, very similarly to you, Crunchy. However, I feel like I have waited too long. Someone on my blog said, "Wow, I didn't know you lost your son 5 years ago. I thought from the way you wrote it would have only been a couple of years.".

Now, I don't doubt that I would still be hurting over Matthew dying, but I think a lot of scar tissue in my heart would be less if I had another baby. If I could go back in time? I would have tried again sooner. I think some of the pain our family has gone through could have be eased.

I am hoping to try again in the next year. It's been five and I am still scared to death.

May 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLoralee

We are just getting to the point where we can talk about the *idea* of trying again, and have been wondering how people make that decision, how they get to the place where they are ready to face the challenge of pregnancy after such a loss.

I wish you luck with your decision-making.

May 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSTE
With us, it's terrible, and this is probably sounding cold - it comes down to, I think I could handle another pregnancy physically although I would be reassured by having a deep scan of the scar since it's so extensive, mostly emotionally we'd be ok since we know what's wrong and would be eyes wide open that this is only a 50-50 chance of having another living child at the end of it all...and the insurance won't cover seeing the maternal fetal specialist. They've kicked back all the claims from last year. $0 covered.

I'm raging right now, this is a decision I'd ideally like to make without those dollar signs staring over my shoulder, but they must be considered.

My family really wants me to have another child. I look at my son, I love him, he's a great kid, and I think how much I care about my siblings, and yeah, after almost a year with Aeryn gone I think it could be something we could consider, but then those dollar signs come crashing down on me every which way we look - our income level even puts us out of the running for fostering children.

There are a lot of days I wish someone would just leave a child on my doorstep that I could keep, stick up one of those "Safe Place" signs on my house...fact is, I like kids. My family has always liked kids. Random people comment on how well-behaved and happy my son is so we can't be doing an absolutely terrible job as parents here. You get that impotent rage because there are abused and neglected kids out there - why does the universe have kids there and not here where every effort to ensure happiness would be made?

Trying again is one of those decisions that only you can make, and it's a lot of weight on you because of course everyone close to you has an opinion too. Good luck with deciding.
March 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKatherine
We lost our baby to stillbirth about eight months ago at 38 weeks. We have a four year old son. I had a miscarriage earlier this year. And now I am about six weeks along with another (hopefully living) baby.

The thing that bothers me the most is that I'm looking forward to having another child, but I'm dreading being pregnant again. Both for the physical and mental burden it will be. I don't want to tell my husband this because I don't want him to feel that I don't want another child. I do. I am just so scared and so worried that something will go wrong.

My last pregnancy was supposed to be my LAST pregnancy. And I struggle with the fact that another baby wouldn't have existed or even been considered if we hadn't lost Sam.

I really miss my old "everything will be fine if you follow the rules" self. I now know that isn't true. Life is random.
March 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJenny