Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.
Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.
I just lost my 1 year old daughter. Most of the stuff and forums online are filled with persons who had miscarriages and stillborns. I'm happy that there's support and outlets for such grieving moms. But I'm struggling to find support or moms who've lost babies who were here with us for a few months . I feel so alone and like no one understands. If anyone knows of anymore targeted forums or outlets please let me know. Any book suggestions are welcomed as well.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my little boy nearly 4 weeks ago. We were in hospital for some tests as he just wasn’t himself but he wasn’t ill. On the Sunday afternoon he suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest and the doctors couldn’t bring my baby back. Like u I feel so alone and have also found a lot of support groups are for miscarriage and still birth. While these are awful, it’s not the same as knowing your child as a little person and having them suddenly taken away. I struggle to grasp that I will never hear his first words, see his first steps or watch him play with his older brother who adores him😔 We have some awful hours and days where I feel like a dark cloud is trying to squeeze the life out of me but I do have some hours where I can smile about the time we had. My life will never be the same and I worry that I’ll never be genuinely happy again but I hope that isn’t true. Do what you can when you can, I have found staying at home difficult and have had to find things to distract myself to give my brain a rest. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with your daughter. I am so sorry for your loss, it is never something we should have to go through xx
K's Mom -- I will never know exactly how you feel, but I wanted to offer some solidarity in the ways in which I an relate. I lost my son at 6 days of life following complications during birth. He was full term. I don't have any box to check to find parents like me, like super preemie, stillbirth, miscarriage, SIDS, etc. And it's incredibly frustrating that sooo many, if not all, support groups group together all pregnancys and infant loss together. It is not the same! You are right. There is absolutely different support needed and I'm so sorry it's been difficult to find your tribe.
We have some awful hours and days where I feel like a dark cloud is trying to squeeze the life out of me but I do have some hours where I can smile about the time we had. My life will never be the same and I worry that I’ll never be genuinely happy again but I hope that isn’t true. Do what you can when you can, I have found staying at home difficult and have had to find things to distract myself to give my brain a rest.
If you don’t mind me asking, what happened with your daughter.
I am so sorry for your loss, it is never something we should have to go through xx
Sending hugs.