Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.
Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.
I've been trying to conceive with my partner for four months now with no success. I feel incompetent as a woman. It hurts knowing that I may never have children of my own. My partner always tells me that we have all the time in the world, but we don't. We are in an age gap relationship so he's only getting older. He already stated he doesn't want kids when he gets older. Mind you he already has a child from a previous relationship. So every time he tries to console me it just feels like he makes it seem like a trivial matter. Since he already has a child I guess he's not worried or doesn't care. And I love my stepdaughter don't get me wrong. But every time I see her I'm just reminded of how I am a failure and how another woman had his child and I can't even have that privilege.
As someone who indeed has infertility issues and no living children so far I would say that 4 months of trying doesnt mean you have fertility issues. If you do your research you will see that a couple is advised to go see a specialist after a year of TTC with no success in order to check whether there are fertility issues.
I dont want to come across as judgemental or anything but infertility is a very delicate subject and should not be used so easily.
Four months of trying isnt a lot and you being so stressed about it and already considering that you have fertility issues isnt really helping. Try not to think of TTC as something that has to be done now. Baby making should be fun. Wishing you lots of baby dust
I dont want to come across as judgemental or anything but infertility is a very delicate subject and should not be used so easily.
Four months of trying isnt a lot and you being so stressed about it and already considering that you have fertility issues isnt really helping. Try not to think of TTC as something that has to be done now. Baby making should be fun. Wishing you lots of baby dust