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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

for one and all > want to be pregnant as soon as possible can any mom chime in and let me know if 2 months is too early ?

Hi Moms,

I found this website to be really helpful to heal. I read the threads every day. I lot my beautiful baby girl z at 31 weeks last June 2nd week and LAst few weeks have been very tough.

I think I am doing quite well and coping with my grief but still some days grief takes over. my pregnancy was so eventless and perfect I think I took it for granted and hence this bizarre result. I still dont know the reason why my baby was born sleeping my blood test came perfect and waiting placenta and atopy result.

I terribly want to get her back and want to be pregnant as soon as possible. is there any mom let me know how soon they were able to conceive? and had a successful birth?
July 7, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterPH
PH—I am so sorry that your baby girl is not here with you. It’s so terrible. For me, two months would have been too early. I knew I wanted another baby when my daughter was stillborn at 28 weeks 6 years ago but I just wasn’t ready emotionally, until about 9 months later (my son was born 18months after his sister and is a healthy 4.5 year old). Several things helped to determine that: first, it took a couple months for the autopsy and placenta reports to come back, then based on that I had to find a new team of doctors for what would end up bring a high risk pregnancy. Finally, the most important, for me, was working with a therapist to help me really separate my daughter from any other child I might have had and also accept the possibility of another loss. Everyone is very different but, two months out, I was still in such a fog...I could barely function...Sending you peace as you figure out what’s right for you.
July 9, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterAB
Thank you for the reply and you make a great point. I have a elder daughter 4 yrs old and she wanted her sibling like no one else. Though I want to be pregnant as soon as possible your reply does make a lot of sense. I will conform with my doctor how long it will take for me get back those results.
July 10, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterPh
This is such an individual feeling isn't it. U are trying to be respectful of the baby you just lost, but your also trying desperately to heal. I lost my beautiful baby boy 2 years ago, and now I have a 4month old girl. My consultant was amazing who I saw when my baby boy died, I was looking for answers, I asked her when will i be able to try again and her answer was simple and so true she said 'your never gona be ok with what happened you wont wake up some morning and think right I'm over him' so with that I started trying straight away, I started 4months after losing him. Now she's here, it wasn't easy, the anxiety fear and guilt of bringing her into the world when I couldn't do it for him. She hasn't erased him or replaced him, but she has helped me, I can grief and I can love. Only u know what's right, and forget what people say oh u should wait such and such, only you know and there is no shame. Good luck
July 27, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterSB