Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.
Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.
Today makes one month since my water broke leading up to me losing my son. My entire birth experience was a complete nightmare for both me and my fiancé. I was 5 going on 6 months pregnant when my water broke. I knew it was way too early and did not know what was happening. I rushed to the hospital. They told me everything was fine and that maybe I just peed on myself. Being a first time mom they felt like I was excited and just sent me home. Later that night I was in pain till where I could not take it any more and we rushed back to the hospital. I waited in the waiting room begging for help. They put me in a room, but no doctor was available after waiting for over an hour while in labor me and my fiancé were forced to deliver my baby on our own. He came out feet first and me panicking not knowing how to get his head from being stuck, we waited for a doctor to finally come in the room and help us my son squirmed for his life until he stopped breathing. By the time the doctor finally came in the room he was no longer breathing and it was nothing they could do to bring him back. The entire experience traumatized us both and. Now we are 1 month later and I can barely focus because my entire day leading up to losing our son keeps replaying in my mind. I'm hurt, frustrated , confused, and just lost. I don't even know how to move and have a regular day because I keep thinking to myself maybe if we went to a different hospital I could have saved him.
Rhonae', I am so sorry for your loss. I too had my water break the same as you. I was so close to 6 months. Unlike you my son stayed inside and I had an emergency c section when he showed signs of an infection. 9 days he fought and finally the infection left my beautiful boy with no brain activity, we had to make the choice no parents should make, and take him off support. On the 9th day my son died in my arms. I keep thinking maybe if I had gone in earlier maybe a different doctor would have made a difference choice and took him out earlier, rather than leaving him in me where he would get an infection unprotected. This was in November. To everyone it's been months. To me it's been only a moment. That trauma, that pain, I am so sorry you have to feel it too. I send you love and my undying support. You will find a lot of that here.
I am so so sorry for your loss.. I am utterly socked of the the way you have been treated at the hospital... that's inhumane... we live in 2020 and you giving birth on your own while in a hospital is outrageous!!!....
I gave birth to our twin girls prematurely at 24+4 wks via emergency c-section in November 2018. Our first born lived for 25 days and our second for 39 days... my birth experience was a nightmare and I still get anxiety when I think of the day and the days after despite having a great doctor and being in a very caring hospital... still I cannot imagine what you must have felt having to deliver your baby on your own... am so so so so sorry you had to go through such a horrendous birth...
Sorry if I come across as too harsh but I am utterly shocked... Your pain is extreme but I would suggest to you to sue the hospital and doctors and everyone involved in the horrendous way you have been treated... your son's life matters and so does yours and no human being should ever have to endure what you have to...
I am so sorry for your loss. I too had my water break the same as you. I was so close to 6 months. Unlike you my son stayed inside and I had an emergency c section when he showed signs of an infection. 9 days he fought and finally the infection left my beautiful boy with no brain activity, we had to make the choice no parents should make, and take him off support. On the 9th day my son died in my arms. I keep thinking maybe if I had gone in earlier maybe a different doctor would have made a difference choice and took him out earlier, rather than leaving him in me where he would get an infection unprotected. This was in November. To everyone it's been months. To me it's been only a moment. That trauma, that pain, I am so sorry you have to feel it too. I send you love and my undying support. You will find a lot of that here.
I am so so sorry for your loss.. I am utterly socked of the the way you have been treated at the hospital... that's inhumane... we live in 2020 and you giving birth on your own while in a hospital is outrageous!!!....
I gave birth to our twin girls prematurely at 24+4 wks via emergency c-section in November 2018. Our first born lived for 25 days and our second for 39 days... my birth experience was a nightmare and I still get anxiety when I think of the day and the days after despite having a great doctor and being in a very caring hospital... still I cannot imagine what you must have felt having to deliver your baby on your own... am so so so so sorry you had to go through such a horrendous birth...
Sorry if I come across as too harsh but I am utterly shocked... Your pain is extreme but I would suggest to you to sue the hospital and doctors and everyone involved in the horrendous way you have been treated... your son's life matters and so does yours and no human being should ever have to endure what you have to...
Sending love your way and a big hug...