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Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.

Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.

for one and all > Back to work

Today is my third day back to work after the delivery of my stillborn son 9 weeks ago. Of course I was not ready to return to work. The guilt is back. I'm showing too many smiles and talking more than I have been. Talking about things other than my son. People have missed me and are excited I'm back. I feel guilt that I was anxious and slightly excited to get back into a normal routine and try to continue on with a normal life. Why do I want this? My life will never be normal again. My life has been changed forever. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think of my son. And I don't want my coworkers to forget about what happened to me. I want them to continue to pray for my broken heart and I'm scared that getting back to my "normal" routine will allow others to move on and forget.
August 8, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterB
Dear B. I can relate. This is my second week back and today is 10 weeks since I delivered my sweet and still boy. One of the books I am reading about grief gave me a gentle reminder that when there are moments of not feeling awful and even moments of happiness that I need to let them in and let them grow. We will never forget and will never be who we used to be. Honestly, I judge myself all the time. "Am I too okay?" but then it hits me like it always does and I'm leveled. I have appreciated some aspects of my work. I had a conversation with a student the other day and she didn't know about our baby loss so it was just a normal conversation about our discipline. It felt so good. I also had a meeting with a boss yesterday where I was on the verge of tears and admitted how overwhelmed I am and how I'm likely being influenced by pp hormones still. He cares for me and was able to hear my concerns. I think I need a balance of the two in order to keep moving forward. Be gentle with yourself. Hugs to you.
August 8, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterOllie's Mama
Hello B. You are not alone in your thoughts. I find small moments of happiness and fragments who I was before losing my son 5 hours after delivery. This was 16 weeks ago. I over talk some days at work because I feel like it's okay to do it and then I feel guilty for it so then I shut my office door to close off any exposure to anyone. I do start to think if people just think I'm over it and that I have forgotten about him? I honestly don't know what goes through people's minds who have never been in our shoes. I know too well that I could never forget him. He is on mind every day--every hour, every second. It's a battle everyday to try to relearn to live the way I once did. The moment I feel laughter I start to cry because I think there's something wrong with me. I shouldn't be laughing. The worse thing that could ever happen, happened. There is nothing happy about that. I also know I can't crawl in dark hole and never come out. Every day is truly a struggle! Thinking of you B!
August 10, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterGabriel's mom
Thank you for sharing,

I’m getting ready to go back to work and am so afraid of seeing everyone I used to work with and the looks of pity and curiousity, but I need a job and know it’s time to get a routine going. I have a tendency to try to make others feel comfortable with uncomfortable situations and I don’t want to do that, but I know that will fall into socializing and trying to be “normal”. I’m sure that is common, anyway thanks for giving me a glimpse into what the future weeks may hold.
August 27, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle