for one and all > My jury duty moment with Q re: children
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I also feel as though I am taking the easy route if I don't mention my daughter and feel slightly ashamed of my silence. Well done for acknowledging your Charlotte so gracefully. I wish they had asked you a few more questions and let you talk about your daughter a little more. I have had a similar feeling, when I've been brave enough to mention her and nobody asks what happened, I always feel a little disappointed somehow. I like talking about her and it is often that I get the opportunity to.
September 21, 2010 |
Catherine W
Thank you for sharing this, Susan. It gives me a lot of hope to hear this. I know how important it is to acknowledge your child - I feel the same way about my son. I'm so glad you found a way to acknowledge your daughter and the courage to do it.
September 21, 2010 |
'not often that I get the opportunity to' that last sentence should read. Sadly I can type faster than I can think (or proof read).
September 22, 2010 |
Catherine W
Thank you for sharing this ray of hope, Susan. I've struggled with this over the years as well, and give you kudos for finding a succinct way of answering this question that does not feel negligent inside.
September 23, 2010 |
Well, they asked all sorts of questions and the question came "do you have any children?". And I was able to say "no living children". I was so proud of myself. I didn't take the easy route and say no. I said what I could that still acknowledged my little girl. And part of me was bothered that they didn't ask me anything further. I'm actually surprised they didn't ask. You know I was sitting there on the inside "ask me more, let me talk about her". But it was nice to feel good about my answer. Just had to share that moment. Thanks.