for one and all > Discussion Topic: Healing
I think healing happens in little ways, every day, every time we make a decision to go forward from the loss of our children. The decision to get out of bed and shower today, or eat a meal or pick up some one else's child or to smile at a pregnant lady in the grocery store... all are moments of healing. All take time, all move backwards and forwards as we figure out the new topography.
With any trauma there are scars and so I think the expectation should not to be as we were, but to accept who we are after the pain and loss and that like any wound, the healing will slow down but never stop.
I am not healed, but I am healing and that's all I can expect of myself right now.
With any trauma there are scars and so I think the expectation should not to be as we were, but to accept who we are after the pain and loss and that like any wound, the healing will slow down but never stop.
I am not healed, but I am healing and that's all I can expect of myself right now.
August 26, 2010 |
Sarah H

I could never say it any more beautifully than Sarah, so I'm not going to even try :) I feel 100% the same way.
August 27, 2010 |

I agree with Sarah as well. Couldn't have said it better.
The one thing I know for sure about healing - having this place to speak my mind and to know that there are other people in this world that know EXACTLY how I feel has helped tremendously with my healing.
The one thing I know for sure about healing - having this place to speak my mind and to know that there are other people in this world that know EXACTLY how I feel has helped tremendously with my healing.
August 28, 2010 |

I don't think I will ever be healed. There will always be a large gaping hole in my heart that cannot be healed, but I am learning to live with it.
August 28, 2010 |

I know that I am healing...but I also know that I will never be completely healed. The loss of my daughter has left a huge hole in my heart that can never be filled or replaced. Even having a baby of my own someday will only add to the size of my heart...that baby can never replace my firstborn. But each day, I realize that I'm doing the best I can given the circumstances. I do my best knowing that I can never be the old Alissa and learning to accept who I am today. This is healing. I also know that I am healing by being able to help others through this awful process...and talking about my baby in order to educate others out there who have never experienced this type of tragedy before. I feel that my healing is in baby steps, but it's the path that I'm taking. And it's an okay path to be on.
August 29, 2010 |

If you have something you'd like to see discussed as a topic, please drop me a line through the contact option in the lefthand menu!
This week:
First, let me thank you all for your patience with my absence as I struggled through a new job in addition to my old job (all in the same 40 hours a week!) and the first anniversary of Gabriel's birth and death. I appreciate so much all the comforting words and thoughts I received, even though I wasn't really in a place to respond.
For me, you all are still the most amazing, understanding people. I feel so blessed to be a part of the Glow community.
One of the things that weighs on me heavily is the question of healing. What is healing after such a loss? At the beginning I could not comprehend it, not the shape of it or the feelings of it. Now, a year down our garden path, I'm still wondering. I feel like I'm beginning to have a vague idea, but I'm well aware that healing - like peace - is not a neatly wrapped package with a pretty bow. It's transitional and means different things at different times.
What does healing look like to you? How does it feel? Do you think there will come a moment when you are healed or do you think that is merely a societal construct like 'moving on'?