Parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds: come here to share the technicolour, the vividness, the despair, the heart-broken-open, the compassion we learn for others, having been through this mess — and see it reflected back at you, acknowledged and understood.
Thanks to photographer Xin Li and to artist Stephanie Sicore for their respective illustrations and photos.
You're not prying at all. I actually have my session scheduled for this evening. The owner who is going to personally do mine said WIll may not have enough fluid left in his sac to get a picture, but I told her that even seeing a 3-D picture of Abby, heatlhy and thriving would be such a comfort to me right now. Of course, I've seen many, many regular u/s of her...but they always are so weird and skeletol. Hoping to get a glimpse of her face. I'll let you all know what we get. Wish us luck!
I have another question, but also don't want to seem like I am prying... Do you have a date scheduled for when you will be induced? Or are the doctors allowing you to go into labor on your own? (Forgive me for sounding clueless... I just wanted some idea of when you are due because I want to be thinking of you and your family when that time comes).
No problem asking...I hestitate to talk about my pregnancy on here b/c I would never want to hurt anyone. I will be having a planned c-section (if all goes well). I had an emergency c-section with my son that was not the best experience. When we thought I was going to be delivering two live twins, my peri diidn't want to discuss a VBAC b/c there is a much higher risk of uterine rupture due to the uterus being stretched to its limits already. Once Will passed, my peri said he would consider a VBAC (as Abby is head down and has been most of the pregnancy)....but I prefer to go ahead and do a c-section. I really don't think I can take any more uncertainties going on with twins' birth, and would be beyond stressed to have to do an emergency c-section again. Plus, they have a better chance to deliver Will more gently and make sure my body releases both placentas properly.
My official due date is April 30th, which means I am 30 weeks today. Just two more weeks to get out of the highest risk if Abby comes early. I only made it to 36 weeks with my son, but I was already hospitalized on mag and at home on full-bedrest with a terb pump this time in my pregnancy with him. My peri believes I willl make it ito 36 weeks at least, unless Abby starts showing signs of distress. I start doing non-stress testing her in a week and half. For now, I do kick counts on her at least three times a day and doppler her heart usually daily to monitor her.
I am anxious to get a date to schedule the c-section, but it seems like they're holding off as of yet still. Thanks fo r asking, SCM.
I have another question, but also don't want to seem like I am prying... Do you have a date scheduled for when you will be induced? Or are the doctors allowing you to go into labor on your own? (Forgive me for sounding clueless... I just wanted some idea of when you are due because I want to be thinking of you and your family when that time comes).
My official due date is April 30th, which means I am 30 weeks today. Just two more weeks to get out of the highest risk if Abby comes early. I only made it to 36 weeks with my son, but I was already hospitalized on mag and at home on full-bedrest with a terb pump this time in my pregnancy with him. My peri believes I willl make it ito 36 weeks at least, unless Abby starts showing signs of distress. I start doing non-stress testing her in a week and half. For now, I do kick counts on her at least three times a day and doppler her heart usually daily to monitor her.
I am anxious to get a date to schedule the c-section, but it seems like they're holding off as of yet still. Thanks fo r asking, SCM.